This is the Urdu version of the full Pakistan Country Report of the regional research study: Women and Governance in South Asia: Re-Imagining the State. The study aimed to understand the nature of, and impediments to, women's participation in political life and governance; to elicit women's vision(s) of what the state structure and political culture should be; and to identify their recommendations for refining and altering those processes for political participation that are currently inadequate to meet women's needs.
Adalah’s Newsletter is a monthly publication issued in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It highlights Adalah’s main activities, provides analysis of human rights issues, and links to new reports.
Nous avons reçu un appel urgent de l'association "20 ans barakat" - Ile de France, attirant notre attention sur des abus d'autorité contre les femmes, de la part d'officiers d'état civil algériens.
Hosni Mubarak has been president of Egypt for 24 years, and repressive 'emergency laws' have been in force throughout. Finally, Egyptians have had enough. This is Ahdaf Soueif's diary of a long, hot summer of protest that shows no sign of ending.