
Zanan TV  was launched on 25 November 2011, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This day was chosen because Zanan TV is an alternative space for marginalized women who are violated by the state and silenced by mainstream media in Iran. It is a space for building the women’s movement and the democracy movement in Iran.

On Wednesday, Eman Al-Obeidi, the woman who attempted to tell foreign journalists of her abuse and rape by regime forces but was taken away by security, appeared on camera in a CNN interview. The interview was arranged by Saadi Qaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, but transmission was held up for 18 hours by Libyan officials who wanted to review the tape. The video --- unaltered, according to CNN --- was finally transmitted yesterday afternoon.

 Complete interview by phone on Monday April 4, 2011.

Riz Khan is joined by Rabab al-Mahdi, a professor of political science at the American University in Cairo; Frances Hasso, a professor of Women's Studies at Duke University; and Nadje al-Ali, a social anthropologist at the University of London. What role have Arab women played in the popular uprisings around the Middle East and what stake do they really have in their countries' political future? 

Ce 29 janvier 2010, à l'initiative de:
·L'Association tunisienne des femmes démocrates (ATFD).
· L'Association des femmes tunisiennes pour la recherche et le développement
· Le Collectif Maghreb-Egalité. La commission femmes de l'Union générale tunisienne du travail (UGTT)
· La commission femmes de la Ligue tunisienne de défense des droits de l'homme (LTDH).
de15 heures à 18 heures,Tunis, avenue Habib-Bourguiba, statut Ibn-Khaldoun
Je t'aime mon peuple

In this Groundviews interview, the interviewer asks WLUML Council member, Chulani Kodikara, about affirmative action, and also whether for example, the entry of telegenic females sans political acumen to parliament in any way helps advocacy on stronger female representation. Pegged to this, he also questions her about substantive equality, that goes beyond, in her own words, the classical liberal notion of formal equality which assume that removing formal barriers, for example giving women the right to vote and be elected to political office, is sufficient to give women equal access to political institutions.

In a demonstration on 9 August, women activists in Iraq bravely take a stand against the injustices, absence of basic human rights and broken promises suffered by the women of Iraq. In this empowering video clip, the women of Iraqmany of whom live without electricity or housing take a stand and demand a government which caters, understands and feels the miseries of all its peopleregardless of gender, race of religion.

In this video, Fatma Emam discusses the ethos of the network. Its activists are building a collective network of support for young Arab activists in the region, in recognition of the particular challenges and experiences of sexism that women face, and the fragmentation and elitism of women’s rights work in Arab societies.

This video is a joint action between the National Union of Saharawi Women and Ana Arenas Moreno as a recognition of their incredible work and efforts during their 34 years in exile. It intends to raise awareness and advocate for the rights of the Saharawi people, especially of the women, to help them to strengthen international relationships and support their twiza, their social collective and solidarity movement. 

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