
En ce premier anniversaire du 11 septembre 2001.
WLUML notices with dismay that the attention of the international mainstream media is focused on a single event that, although tragic and condemnable, overwhelms all of the other issues which remain to be addressed and resolved.
Afghan women at risk if international community leaves job half done.
South Asians Against Nukes is an independent web site to bring together information resources for peace and anti nuclear activists in South Asia.
A nuclear war is said to have no winners, but Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee seems to think otherwise.
Israel's current war in the Occupied Territories is one of conquest, not defence.
Women’s organizations and charitable societies, like all Palestinian governmental and non-governmental institutions, have suffered considerable financial losses due to closure and curfew imposed by the Israeli army.
La loi des seigneurs de guerre sanguinaires continue de sévir au nord de l'Afghanistan.
The UN Security Council passed on Friday September 29th, 2001 (pm) Resolution no. 1373 (2001) which requires all states to take sweeping measures to 'combat' terrorism and opens the door to the use of force as one means of doing so.
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