[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

In a recent press release, Article 19, an independent human rights organisation, voiced its concerns over a proposal at the Human Rights Council to prevent the examination of issues involving "defamation of religion".
Alger abritera, les 22 et 23 mars, un colloque international sur le terrorisme.
We are delighted to announce the release of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and her son Ali from Choobin Prison, in Takistan, Qazvin, in Iran, where she has been awaiting execution by stoning for adultery for the past ten years.
L’Association Démocratique des Femmes au Maroc dénonce cette pratique et l’indulgence des juges.
Two Saudi scholars have said there is nothing in Islamic law to prevent women from driving.
On 11 March 2008, the Centennial Lecture Series at the University of the Philippines included a session on "Women Contesting Fundamentalisms and Other Forms of Intolerance", convened by Dr. Carolyn I. Sobritchea.
Quels liens existent-ils entre le jihad et l'ijtihad ? Quels sens exacts ces termes recoupent-ils ?
Iman Al-Qahtani addresses the issue of fanaticism in Islam and blames the clerical establishment for misinterpreting the Qur'an and the education system for inflaming the youth.
Des ulémas algériens et du golfe se mobilisent contre le terrorisme.
Despite a ban imposed by the BJP Madhya Pradesh against teaching sex education in schools since March 2006, a survey shows 73 per cent of teachers in that state do not think sex lessons in school promote "indecency in the name of education".
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