
L'universitaire irano-américaine Haleh Esfandiari, détenue en Iran depuis le 8 mai pour espionnage, a été libérée, a indiqué mardi 21 août son avocate, Shirin Ebadi.
Detained Iranian-American academic Dr. Haleh Esfandiari was suddenly released from a notorious Tehran prison Tuesday after spending months behind bars on charges of endangering Iranian national security — allegations her family vehemently denies. However it remains unclear if Haleh Esfandiari, 67, will be allowed to leave the country.
A detained Iranian-American academic was suddenly released from a notorious Tehran prison Tuesday after spending months behind bars on charges of endangering Iranian national security — allegations her family vehemently denies.
"Faut-il avoir peur des interpellations, des arrestations, des interrogatoires, de la prison, des amendes, des flagellations ou de longues peines de prison, pour nous tous, ou bien faut-il résister dans cet espace clôturé et faire entendre notre voix?"
Adultery is a capital offense in the Islamic Republic of Iran and punishable by flogging, hanging, and stoning. The following is a translation of the articles of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran that pertain to the legal punishments for adultery.
"Just a week ago the Spokesperson for the Iranian Judiciary announced that in the next few days 20 criminals will be hanged in Tehran on a variety of charges, including rape and sodomy."
Those women who had been arrested, were hence sentenced to lashes and long-term imprisonment.
Jafar Kiani was stoned to death in Iran on 5 July...this could soon happen to his partner, Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, unless action is taken now.
Jafar Kiani was stoned to death in Iran on 5 July...this could soon happen to his partner, Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, unless action is taken now.
Activists should not try to change Islamic laws relating to women's rights, Iran's supreme leader said on Wednesday, two days after one campaigner was reportedly sentenced to 34 months in jail and ten lashes.
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