
Le réseau Femmes Sous Lois Musulmanes (WLUML) vous appelle à apporter votre soutien massif aux revendications des femmes irakiennes pour une Constitution qui garantit les droits et libertés de tous les Irakiens et les Irakiennes en particulier.
L’introduction de la charia dans un système laïc passe toujours par le code de la famille.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) strongly urges you to support Iraqi women's demands for a constitution that secures the rights and liberties of all Iraqi people and especially of Iraqi women.
The irony is not lost either amongst women's groups in Baghdad or activists in the United States.
Just as Iraqi women were anticipating a new era of democracy and freedom, a wave of intimidation by extremist groups has arisen to crush their hopes.
From a reporter, Hannah Allam, currently in Iraq who is responding to a raging and very angry debate that began on the Arab Women's Solidarity Association listserv when children were recently killed while taking candy from US soldiers.
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