
MIFTAH, as an organization dedicated to promoting the rule of law, public accountability and promotion of women’s civil and political rights, strongly condemns the recent targeting of women by their family members.
Within a month, five women, Shadia Jidawi from Tulkarem, Yusra Al ‘Azamy from Gaza, Faten Habash from Ramallah, Rudaina Shukirat (8 months pregnant) and her sister, Amany Shukirat from Jabal Mukaber, were killed for challenging patriarchal norms.
Violences conjugales, "crimes d'honneur", situation des femmes et des filles au sein de la famille et dans la sphère "privée", etc...
There is growing concern among Palestinian human rights workers after the killings of at least six young women in recent months. The murders are described in some quarters as "honour killings".
Hamas has mounted a desperate damage-limitation exercise after one of its units shot dead a 20-year-old Palestinian woman for "immoral behaviour" as she enjoyed a day out with her future husband.
La dégradation du tissu social palestinien a un impact profond sur les femmes qui subissent des pressions croissantes et sont victimes de violences au sein de leur famille et dans la société.
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