
This paper mentions: “Womenreceived plots of landfor their use from their fathers, or if married, from their husbands but they could not pass these on to their heirs, not even to their sons. It also discusses how the household farming system has changed in Senegalin the post-independence period.”

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Migrants are important to development and poverty reduction in their home countries. For many countries the levels of remittances from relatives abroad exceed development and foreign direct investment. This study explores the linkages between international remittances and access to land in the home countries, with a focus on West Africa, specifically Ghana and Senegal.

As stated in the Abstract, “this dissertation demonstrates how external agency participatory programs with village committees and how multi-party competition and rivalries have undermined women's decision making and access to forest resources and land in a rural Senegalese community. Using a participatory approach based on "village committees" in Malidino Biodiversity Reserve, the World Bank and Senegal forest service have bestowed discretionary power on traditional leaders and on local elected officials.
This chapter is divided into two main sections. The first focuses on some theological and other variables associated with islam in Nigeria and briefly examines the historical context of Islamisation with Nigerian society. The second section discusses specific social and economic dimensions of Islam with respect to gender relations, and the manner in which traditional norms and Islamic injunctions have accommodated one another.
The authors argue that the patterns of inheritance and succession, particularly under intestate estate under customary law in Nigeria, have almost as many variations as there are ethnic groups in the country, and many of the variations are discriminatory in practice. The law of succession and inheritance reflects Nigeria's plural legal system. Indigenous customary law developed rules of inheritance for intestacy through the traditional canon of descent, as adapted over the years to changes in the society and the rule of natural justice as applied by the courts.
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