Iraq: Urgent call for solidarity for kidnapped feminist journalist Guiliana Sgrena
WLUML has received an urgent appeal for solidarity and pressure to be placed on the Italian government to secure the safe release of Italian feminist-pacifist journalist Guiliana Sgrena, kidnapped in Iraq.
Guilana is an active member of Women in Black and has been supporting people in Iraq by persistently reporting on the lives and tragedies of the lower classes under occupation.
As International Network of Women against War we call on the immediate liberation of the Italian journalist and pacifist Giuliana Sgrena, our friend, a brave woman who's been crossing the borders since many years, to speak out the truth of the daily horror and violence of war.
In Iraq, in Palestine, in Algeria, in Afghanistan, she has always been our eyes, our voice, and believing in the need of truth she has been testifying the injustice of war and occupation.
We ask to set her free. She is a friend to peace, to Iraqi people, and a friend to victims of violence all over the world. Giuliana is one of us.
We call all the women of the international network to hold a vigil in the different cities for the liberation of Giuliana and Florence on the same day on Friday 11th of February.
Luisa Morgantini
Natasa Tucev, Beograd, Yugoslavia
Peggie Preston WiB, London, England
Jill Small WiB, London, England
Toni Liversage, Women in Black, Denmark
Mireille Pets Verbeke, Belgique
Dora Pets, Belgique
Yaacov Rosenberg, Rabbis for Human Rights, Israel
Jihan Anastas, Palestine
Katya Miller, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Judith Spitzer, Jerusalem, Israel
Pauline Nunu, Jerusalem, Palestine
Associazione Donne Musulmane d'Italia
Zahira-Madeleine Bullock Women In Black in Canberra, Australia
John Lynes, Hastings, England
Chana Arnon, MachsomWatch Israel
Iris Fry, Haifa, Israel
Leslie Lakind DDS, Santa Fe NM, USA
Carel Schneider, Montana USA
Tamar Yaron, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel
Linda Sheldon Women in Black of Olympia, State of Washington USA
Tina Gianoulis--Indianola, Washington, USA
Janice Gutman-Indianola, WA USA
Sue Hodes-Seattle, WA USA
Fai Coffin-Seattle, WA USA
Andrea Norouzi, for the members of Women In Black Frederick, Maryland, U.S.A.
Phyllis Bardonski, Portland, Oregon
Lurline.McCulloch on behalf of Women in Black Hobart, Tasmania
Suzanne Sherman Aboulfadl, Montana USA
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Chris Leadbeater, Ashford, England
Susskind Simone
Ellie Bernstein, Highmount, New York
Jacqueline Rival pour les Femmes en Noir de Montbrison
Elana Wesley, Tel Aviv
Lieve Snellings, WiB Belgium
Judy Hines Wilkin, Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Margaret Harb, Knoxville, TN, USA
Sherry Vatter, Los Angeles California
Patricia Hartnagel, Women in Black, Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
Daphne Banai MachsomWatch Tel Aviv
Marie-Rose Clinet
Rachel Amram Coalition of Women for Peace
Karin Pally Santa Monica, California USA
Ruth Hiller Kibbutz Haogen, Israel
Snait GIssis Tel Aviv Israel
Anna Davin
Nina Mayorek Jerusalem
Lolita Iven-Abramowicz
Marc Abramowicz
Moana Hilfman Amsterdam The Netherlands
Larissa Gruszow Belgium
Fanny Filosof Belgium
Anita Chaberman Belgium
Myriam Merlet Hati
Anissa HELIE, Algeria
Doucha BELGRAVE, Femmes en Noir de Paris, France
Dorothee Reutenauer, St. Gallen Switzerland
Sabrina A.S. Ali, Vancouver
Sadie Brinham, St.Austell, Cornwall,U.K.
Maggie Helwig from Toronto, Canada
WiB Leuven, Belgium
Katya Frischer NY, USA
Daniel Dekkers
Nadine Ghys
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Jerusalem, Israel-Palestine
Aviva Weisgal Kibbutz Harel Israel
Yehudit Elkana, Jerusalem
Molly Malekar, Bat Shalom, Israeli women's movement for peace
Erella Daor Tel Aviv "Noga" Feminist Magazine
Adi Dagan, Tel Aviv, Israel, Coalition of Women for Peace
Gila Svirsky, Jerusalem, Israel
Miho Tsujii Women in Black Tokyo
Yu Negoro Women in Black Tokyo
Junko Kajiyama Women in Black Tokyo
Kazumi Yamamoto Women in Black Tokyo
Kazuyo Yasuda Women in Black Tokyo
Miho Takeshita Women in Black Tokyo
Naoko Yamaga Women in Black Tokyo
Hisako Motoyama Women in Black Tokyo
Barbara Dale
Pat De Angelis Women in Black New York
Kathryn Edwards, Women in Black London
In Iraq, in Palestine, in Algeria, in Afghanistan, she has always been our eyes, our voice, and believing in the need of truth she has been testifying the injustice of war and occupation.
We ask to set her free. She is a friend to peace, to Iraqi people, and a friend to victims of violence all over the world. Giuliana is one of us.
We call all the women of the international network to hold a vigil in the different cities for the liberation of Giuliana and Florence on the same day on Friday 11th of February.
Luisa Morgantini
Natasa Tucev, Beograd, Yugoslavia
Peggie Preston WiB, London, England
Jill Small WiB, London, England
Toni Liversage, Women in Black, Denmark
Mireille Pets Verbeke, Belgique
Dora Pets, Belgique
Yaacov Rosenberg, Rabbis for Human Rights, Israel
Jihan Anastas, Palestine
Katya Miller, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
Judith Spitzer, Jerusalem, Israel
Pauline Nunu, Jerusalem, Palestine
Associazione Donne Musulmane d'Italia
Zahira-Madeleine Bullock Women In Black in Canberra, Australia
John Lynes, Hastings, England
Chana Arnon, MachsomWatch Israel
Iris Fry, Haifa, Israel
Leslie Lakind DDS, Santa Fe NM, USA
Carel Schneider, Montana USA
Tamar Yaron, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel
Linda Sheldon Women in Black of Olympia, State of Washington USA
Tina Gianoulis--Indianola, Washington, USA
Janice Gutman-Indianola, WA USA
Sue Hodes-Seattle, WA USA
Fai Coffin-Seattle, WA USA
Andrea Norouzi, for the members of Women In Black Frederick, Maryland, U.S.A.
Phyllis Bardonski, Portland, Oregon
Lurline.McCulloch on behalf of Women in Black Hobart, Tasmania
Suzanne Sherman Aboulfadl, Montana USA
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Chris Leadbeater, Ashford, England
Susskind Simone
Ellie Bernstein, Highmount, New York
Jacqueline Rival pour les Femmes en Noir de Montbrison
Elana Wesley, Tel Aviv
Lieve Snellings, WiB Belgium
Judy Hines Wilkin, Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Margaret Harb, Knoxville, TN, USA
Sherry Vatter, Los Angeles California
Patricia Hartnagel, Women in Black, Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
Daphne Banai MachsomWatch Tel Aviv
Marie-Rose Clinet
Rachel Amram Coalition of Women for Peace
Karin Pally Santa Monica, California USA
Ruth Hiller Kibbutz Haogen, Israel
Snait GIssis Tel Aviv Israel
Anna Davin
Nina Mayorek Jerusalem
Lolita Iven-Abramowicz
Marc Abramowicz
Moana Hilfman Amsterdam The Netherlands
Larissa Gruszow Belgium
Fanny Filosof Belgium
Anita Chaberman Belgium
Myriam Merlet Hati
Anissa HELIE, Algeria
Doucha BELGRAVE, Femmes en Noir de Paris, France
Dorothee Reutenauer, St. Gallen Switzerland
Sabrina A.S. Ali, Vancouver
Sadie Brinham, St.Austell, Cornwall,U.K.
Maggie Helwig from Toronto, Canada
WiB Leuven, Belgium
Katya Frischer NY, USA
Daniel Dekkers
Nadine Ghys
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Jerusalem, Israel-Palestine
Aviva Weisgal Kibbutz Harel Israel
Yehudit Elkana, Jerusalem
Molly Malekar, Bat Shalom, Israeli women's movement for peace
Erella Daor Tel Aviv "Noga" Feminist Magazine
Adi Dagan, Tel Aviv, Israel, Coalition of Women for Peace
Gila Svirsky, Jerusalem, Israel
Miho Tsujii Women in Black Tokyo
Yu Negoro Women in Black Tokyo
Junko Kajiyama Women in Black Tokyo
Kazumi Yamamoto Women in Black Tokyo
Kazuyo Yasuda Women in Black Tokyo
Miho Takeshita Women in Black Tokyo
Naoko Yamaga Women in Black Tokyo
Hisako Motoyama Women in Black Tokyo
Barbara Dale
Pat De Angelis Women in Black New York
Kathryn Edwards, Women in Black London
Women in Black
Submitted on Wed, 02/09/2005 - 00:00