
"Agency, Inequality and Human Rights" by Amartya Sen.
Located in a hidden corner of South Asia, poised to become either a thriving democracy or a failed state, Bangladesh has the potential of becoming a major front in the global confrontation with radical Islamism.
Law Minister Moudud Ahmed surprised us the other day when he informed the country that the people of Bangladesh had never accepted secularism as a principle of state. And then he surprised us even more.
The City Corporation Mayor of Rajshahi, Mijanur Rahman Minu, MP said that he will impose taxes on polygamists to deter the “outdated” practice of marrying more than one wife.
The Law Commission of Bangladesh recently took the initiative of drafting a Bill on domestic violence. Ain-o-Salish Kendra (ASK), a well-known human rights and legal aid organization has welcomed the Law Commission's initiative.
Four officials of a Kuwaiti non-governmental organisation, Revival of Islamic Heritage Society, widely suspected to have channelled funds to militant organisations, have been asked to leave Bangladesh by 31 July, according to sources.
During 2003-2005 we circulated calls for action regarding attacks on the community, and subsequent updates urging action. WLUML again urges you to write to the Bangladesh Government regarding their duty to protect minority communities.
Bangladesh is often portrayed as a place where women are victimised and subordinated by Islam. Fundamentalist outrage against writer Tasleema Nasreen has reinforced this image. But Bangladesh also has a very vibrant and strong women's movement.
In Bangladesh, Islamist organisations exploit rumours of loose lifestyles abroad to tarnish the image of migrant women in general.
Investigators suspect that some delegates of foreign Islamic organisations while visiting Bangladesh at different times in the past provided Islamist militants with financial and logistic supports without any government body monitoring their activities.
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