FES publication on Religious Fundamentalisms in Asia

In the new Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung publication, Religious Fundamentalisms and Their Gendered Impacts in Asia, Claudia Derichs and Andrea Fleschenberg (eds.), there is a chapter by WLUML board member, Zarizana Abdul Aziz: 'Malaysia – Trajectory towards Secularism or Islamism?' Abdul Aziz writes, "As the Malaysian legal system moves closer towards accommodating syariah, there has been an increase in inter-ethnic and inter-religious tensions. These tensions have surfaced in the legal arena, ranging from the regulation of public and private behaviour, through demands for ‘culturally-sensitive’ interpretation and application of human rights (sometimes the outright rejection of human rights) to contestation between the civil and syariah jurisdictions." Her chapter goes on to explore the costs of the politicisation of Islam for Malaysian society and its impact on ethnic and gender relations.
To access the publication please follow the link to the FES online library: