
Gulalai Ismail, jeune femme de 25 ans défenseure des droits humains (FDDH) et Présidente de Aware Girls[1] travaille depuis de nombreuses années pour améliorer la condition des jeunes femmes au Pakistan. Gulalai s'entretient avec l’AWID et nous fait part de ses expériences comme jeune FDDH vivant dans un contexte d'oppression et de discrimination sous le prétexte de raisons culturelles et religieuses.

A new group running for municipal elections in Hebron is offering residents an alternative to politics as usual in the conservative West Bank city: Women at the helm, instead of men. The all-female list, which is called “By Participating, We Can,” is gearing up for next month’s vote with a campaign that aims both to win at the polls and to convince voters that women can lead just as well as men. 

The women's movement must argue against a de-historicized understanding of new social movements in the African region, profiling examples of women’s active participation and leadership and situating these movements in the history of African people’s struggles for building alternative world orders, says Hakima Abbas.

Somalia has recently selected its parliament on Somali soil for the first time since the civil war of the late 1980s. This is a significant achievement since regional power brokers such as Ethiopia and Kenya, with the financial and logistical backing of the European Union, the United States and the United Nations, concocted Somali governments in neighbouring countries. 

The empowerment of young women is key for advancing development around the world, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, adding that it is a priority for the United Nations to encourage their active participation in society.

“The lack of women’s representation – of women’s empowerment – affects individual women’s rights – and it holds back whole countries,” Mr. Ban toldparticipants at the first World Congress of Global Partnership for Young Women and Second Global Partnership Forum in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK).

FEEDING people isn't easy. Asia saw food riots in 2008 and 2011 when rice prices spiked, and left many in hunger. Globally food prices grew three times as fast as inflation over the past decade. 

A new index on food security released this week by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commissioned by DuPont, a large chemicals and materials firm, uncovers a few fascinating findings. The most interesting is a strong correlation between women's economic opportunity and access to affordable, safe food. The Global Food Security Index shows a hefty 0.93 correlation with the EIU's Women’s Economic Opportunity Index, which measures female economic participation (scattergraph below). 

This document is the consorted effort of the Coordination Francaise pour le Lobby Europeen des Femmes, femix Sports, Regards de femmes, European Women’s Lobby, One Law for All, Conseil National des Femmes Francaise, Federation of GAY GAMES. Directed mainly at the Olympic movement in hope that London would mark the turning point, the demand is to end all gender-based discrimination and stereotypes!

This document is the concerted effort of the Coordination Francaise pour le Lobby Europeen des Femmes, femix Sports, Regards de femmes, European Women’s Lobby, One Law for All, Conseil National des Femmes Francaise, Federation of GAY GAMES. Directed mainly at the Olympic movement in hope that London would mark the turning point, the demand is to end all gender-based discrimination and stereotypes!

“I want to make one thing clear: we women in Lebanon are NOT victims. Our tenacity and resilience, which we have gained through our own process of self-empowerment, allow us to continue waging a battle against patriarchy, which exists across the world and in many different religious contexts.”

On 9 May 2012, Manal al-Sharif was awarded the Havel Prize for Creative Dissent at the Oslo Freedom Forum in Norway. This came shortly after al-Sharif was honored as one of TIME’s100 Most Influential People in the World at a Gala in New York City. Such events have given rise to a pattern: just as numerous pictures and videos of activists attending various conferences and receiving numerous awards surface, waves of criticism pour in. Their motives are viewed with suspicion, worthiness is questioned, and a movement’s progress is reassessed.
