Other Publications

Une publication de Alternatives, une organisation non gouvernementale de solidarité et de développement international fondée en 1994. En Irak, Alternatives met en oeuvre un programme qui vise à favoriser l’émergence d’une société civile dynamique et de médias pluralistes et indépendants, capables de promouvoir les droits économiques, sociaux, politiques et culturels: www.alternatives.ca

The Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women is pleased to announce the publication of their first Policy Briefing Series on culturally-justified violence against women (CVAW). Launched on March 3rd, 2010 at their panel discussion at the 54th UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Series is a valuable resource for those working on issues of CVAW.

In March of 2008, Women Living under Muslim Laws and Concordia University organized a symposium to discuss the impact of Muslim women's invovlement in sports, especially in the context of Iran. Some Muslim women athletes have used sport to inscribe resistant meanings that challenge social norms, while others have used it to express and reinforce these norms. The full report is attached.

Internet censorship, or content filtering, has become a major global problem. Whereas once it was assumed that states could not control Internet communications, according to research by the OpenNet Initiative (http://opennet.net) more than 25 countries now engage in Internet censorship practices.

There are different forms of public participation. In addition to demonstrations and rallies, there are other efficient tools to demand change, such as poster and postcard campaigns, calls for action campaigns, petitions and direct lobbying. This WLUML Tool for Activists focuses on just one form of public participation: the letter writing campaign or solidarity letter.

Although women in Bahrain have had access to education and have participated in elections for eighty years now, even holding positions in government, Ghada Jamsheer, President of the Women's Petition Committee in Bahrain, denounces the flagrant bias stemming from the assumption that this equates to women's full emancipation.

In 2003, the '20 ans Barakat' campaign was initiated by the association of the same name. The aim of the Campaign was to inform and raise awareness among the people in general and women in particular about the Algerian Family Code (personal status laws).

اجتمعت العضوات المرتبطات بالشبكة التضامنية الدولية، نساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين في داكار- السنغال في يوليو- تموز 2006 لتطوير خطة عملنا الرابعة. وهذا تحليل لإطار العمل الاسترشادي لاستراتيجياتنا للبرامج والنشاطات التي سنقوم بها في السنوات القادمة.

كذا أود أن انتهز هذه الفرصة للترحيب بمجموعة من الموظفات الجدد في مكتب التنسيق الدولي ألا وهما: كيارا موريليو مسئولة المطبوعات والسيدة أنتونيا أونوردي مديرة الإدارة المالية والإدارية. ونغطي في هذا العدد التطورات الجديدة في الحملة العالمية لوقف قتل النساء ورجمهن، وكذا يتضمن العدد أخباراً عن إطلاق سراح مكرمة إبراهيم التي حكم عليها بالرجم حتى الموت في إيران، علاوة على تعاوننا مع حملة" لكل إنسان حقوقه".

This third and completely revised version of the "Knowing Our Rights" handbook is an essential resource for those taking a critical and questioning approach to rights, laws, and constructions of womanhood in Muslim countries and communities and beyond. "Knowing Our Rights" forms part of the international synthesis of the Women & Law in the Muslim world Programme and is based on some 10 years of field experience, research and analysis by multi-disciplinary teams of networkers in over 20 countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
