Address: Calle Jaen 16, 3a 2a, 08012 Barcelona, Spain

Tel: +34 93 237 32 96; +34 93 555 92 54

Fax: +34 93 442 18 66

Contact: Mrs. Isabel Riesa Chobechobe

Address: Calle Ramon LLULL 2u B-2, Premia de Mar 08330, Barcelona Spain

Tel: +34 93 7525622; +34 696733522

Catalan Islamic Board and the Union of Muslim Women of Spain announce the Fourth International Congress on Islamic Feminism, Madrid, 22-24 October 2010. The event has become a global benchmark of the movement of Muslim women in pursuit of their rights. Among the participants will be Zahira Kamal, former Minister of Women Affairs in Palestine, Ziba Mir Hosseini (Iran), Omaima Abou Bakr (Egypt), Asghar Ali Engineer (India), and other leading activists and intellectuals working for the rights of Muslim women, for a total of eighteen speakers at the highest level.

Religious women make change happen, whether it’s by seeking peace or inciting war. Strong beliefs can inspire social justice or block a woman's access to freedom or equality. Join the International Museum of Women as they explore the relationship between faith and politics in the lives of women around the world. 

L’Association des travailleurs et immigrés marocains d’Espagne (Atime) a regretté vendredi l’exclusion d’une élève d’origine marocaine d’un lycée public de la région de Madrid pour port du voile islamique. « Depuis plusieurs semaines, Najwa Malha ne peut pas aller en cours dans son lycée, ce qui est contraire au droit fondamental à l’éducation garanti par la Constitution, qui prévaut sur le règlement intérieur du lycée », a déclaré à l’AFP le président de l’Atime, Kamal Ramoini.

Le lundi 22 septembre 2008 s’est déroulé, à‘la ‘Casa de convalesencia’ attachée à l’Université Autonome de Barcelone, une conférence – lancement du Groupe International d’Etude et de Réflexion sur Les Femmes en Islam.
Parliament passed a gender-equality bill Thursday aimed at getting more Spanish women into elected office and corporate boardrooms - and more men heating baby bottles and changing diapers.
Anna Guerrero vient de monter le premier comité Ni putes ni soumises en Espagne.
Spain's lower house of parliament has approved the right of homosexual couples to marry and adopt children.
Muslim clerics in Spain issued what they called the world's first fatwa against Osama bin Laden on the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings, calling him an apostate and urging others of their faith to denounce the al-Qaida leader.