The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) expresses its deep concern at the threats that Mrs. Nehad Abo El-Komsan, the Chair of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights, received owing to her defense of women’s rights regarding the attacks that attempt to eliminate women’s achievements by the pressure to amend the current Personal Status Code. 

The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights and the Egyptian Coalition for Civil Education and Women's Participation follow up the regressive calls for repealing the social laws in Egypt such as the personal status code and the children’s code in a great worry. These codes were previously amended in order to guarantee the rights of human-beings, including women and children. Those amendments did not reach the extent of an approval of the rights of women and children as fully eligible citizens.

القاهرة،6 أبريل 2011: نظم المركز المصري لحقوق المرأة ندوة تحت عنوان :" نحو تمثيل عادل للنساء في البرلمان  وذلك يوم  الاثنين الموافق 4 ابريل 2011،شارك فيها70 مشاركة ومشارك من رؤساء الأحزاب السياسية ،و الخبراء السياسيين، والقانونيين والحقوقيين، قيادات جمعيات أهلية ، نائبات ونواب البرلمان فضلاً علي عدد من الإعلاميين و الإعلاميات.

وقد بدأت فعاليات الندوة بعرض من الأستاذ نهاد أبو القمصان رئيسة المركز والتي استهلت حديثها بالحديث عن الإشكاليات والتحديات السياسية التي تواجه المرأة المصرية بعد الثورة وقدمت مخرجات تقرير حالة المرأة المصرية بعد الثورة ، وأشادت بموقف حزب التجمع في تقديم مشروع قانون ينص علي ضرورة مشاركة المرأة علي مستوي الترشيح بحد ادني 30%  ومبادرة شباب الإخوان المسلمين بإشراك النساء في كل الهياكل التنظيمية للحزب أو الجماعة بحد ادني 25% 

القاهرة، 28 مارس 2011: تلقي المركز المصري لحقوق المرأة بقلق بالغ الخطورة حادثة محافظة المنوفية التي تعد  سابقة خطيرة في تحدي دولة القانون في مصر والتي تمثلت في حصار نحو 350 من السلفيين منزل سيدة  في مدينة السادات بالمنوفية، واقتحم عدد منهم المنزل وطردوها منه وألقوا بالأثاث في الشارع وأحرقوه وهددوها بالقتل في حالة الرجوع لمنزلها مرة أخري،  وكان ذلك بإدعاء ممارسة أعمال منافية للآداب، ولم يجدوا أحداًُ لديها في المنزل فأخرجوها عنوة وقاموا بعدة أعمال إرهابية، الأمر الذي يشكل تطورا خطيرا.

The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights held a seminar entitled "Towards a fair representation in the Parliament" on Monday, April 4, 2011. 70 male and female participants including heads of parties, political experts, legal experts, activists, heads of NGOs and male and female parliamentary representatives as well as male and female media workers attended the seminar. The seminar started with a speech by Mrs. Nehad Abul Komsan, head of ECWR, who tackled political problems and challenges that Egyptian women face after the 25th of January Revolution. She outlined the outputs of a report on the status of Egyptian women after the revolution and praised the stance of the Tagammu' party that submitted a draft law stating the necessity of women's representation in nomination with a minimum percentage of 30%. She praised the initiative of young men of the Muslim Brotherhood that involved women in all organizational structures of the party or the group with a minimum percentage of 25%. Mrs. Mageda Abdel Badel, member of the Women's Union at the Tagammu' Party, outlined a draft law the party had previously submitted which assures the necessity of voting through a proportional representation list system with a minimum representation of 30% of any of the two genders in order to guarantee a better representation of women.

 (Cairo, March 28, 2011) The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights received the news on incidents in Minufiya governorate, for it witnessed a dangerous incident for the first time: 350 Salafis confronted the state law and surrounded a house of a woman in Sadat city, forced her out of her house, threw her house's furniture on the street, burned the house and threatened to kill her if she returned to her home. They did so claiming that her conduct was immoral and dishonorable. When they broke into the house, she was alone; they terrified her and took her out of the house by force. This is considered a dangerous incident, especially as it is not the first time something like this happened.

Le 11 février 2011, la rue égyptienne criait sa joie à l'annonce du départ de Hosni Moubarak. Alors, les égyptiens n'avait qu'un seul slogan à la bouche:le peuple, l'armée une seule main! Dans un tel moment de joie, nul ne voulait se souvenir d'une réalité que, pourtant, nul n'ignorait : l'homme dans lequel les égyptiens ont fondé tous leurs espoirs révolutionnaires est un des hommes les plus fidèles de Moubarak, le maréchal Tantaoui. Tantaoui, 76 ans, est un loyaliste, revêche aux réformes et à toute forme de changement, dont le tempérament et les intentions véritables n'ont pas tardé à faire surface.

Amnesty International has today called on the Egyptian authorities to investigate serious allegations of torture, including forced ‘virginity tests’, inflicted by the army on women protesters arrested in Tahrir Square earlier this month. After army officers violently cleared the square of protesters on 9 March, at least 18 women were held in military detention. Amnesty International has been told by women protesters that they were beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to ‘virginity checks’ and threatened with prostitution charges.

Hotline for Migrant Workers, an organisation supporting undocumented migrant workers, refugees and victims of trafficking in Israel has published a report detailing accounts of torture, rape and murder of migrants at the hand of smugglers and traffickers in the Sinai Desert in Egypt, en route to Israel. According to the report and testimonies collected approximately 5,000 women were smuggled into Israel through the Sinai Desert in recent years and the majority of the ones who were held by the smugglers in the desert in 2010 were raped.

بدأ سباق رئاسة الجمهورية واعلن عدد من الرموز السياسية في مصر نيتهم الترشح لمنصب رئاسة الجمهورية ومنهم عمرو موسي والبرادعي وايمن نور والصباحي وخلت القائمة من الجنس الناعم‏. ‏ثم أعلنت الاديبة انس الوجود عليوة عضو اتحاد الكتاب عن نيتها الترشح لرئاسة الجمهورية كأول سيدة تعلن ترشحها لهذا المنصب وذلك عبر صفحتها علي الفيس بوك‏.‏
