UN related

18 October 2013 – The United Nations Security Council and senior UN officials today issued a strong call on the international community to strengthen its commitment to ensuring that women play a more prominent role in conflict prevention, resolution and in post-war peacebuilding.

Unanimously adopting a new resolution this morning, the Security Council reaffirmed that sustainable peace hinges on an approach that integrates “political, security, development, and human rights, including gender equality,” concerns and urged Member States and UN entities to ensure women’s full and meaningful participation in peace and security issues, and committed to increase focus on their adequate access to justice in conflict and post-conflict settings.

Two months ago, a young mother of two was stoned to death by her relatives on the order of a tribal court in Pakistan. Her crime: possession of a mobile phone.

At the conclusion of the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, UN Women welcomes the outcome of the meeting. The Agreed Conclusions are a testimony to the commitment of Member States to do the right thing, to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls. In the last two weeks during the meeting in New York, and in the lead-up to this session, we witnessed global engagement and mobilization, high-profile advocacy by civil society, and determined leadership by many Member States. Expectations of the world’s women and girls were extremely high for this session of the Commission.

Femmes sous Lois Musulmanes (Women Living Under Muslim Laws-WLUML) et son réseau de partenaires se sentent profondément concernés par les négociations en cours au sein de la 57ème Commission sur la Condition de la Femme (CSW), qui, cette année, se concentre sur la prévention et l’élimination de toutes formes de violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles. La CSW s’appuie sur des accords internationaux relatifs aux droits humains déjà établis. Cependant, les États qui attaquent la CSW se servent d’arguments fondés sur la religion, la culture et la tradition afin de justifier les violences et les discriminations à l’égard des femmes et de permettre des violations de leurs droits fondamentaux.

The UN Commission on Status of Women, Session 57, debated inclusion of child marriage in agreement on eliminating violence against women, as Malawi seeks to raise its legal age of marriage from 15 to 18. More than 140 million girls will become child brides by 2020 if current rates of early marriage continue, according to the UN.

تعرب المنظمات النسائية المصرية المشاركة فى الاجتماع السابع والخمسين لمجنة وضع الم أ رة بالأمم المتحدة بمدينة نيويورك عن بالغ الاستياء من طبيعة المشاركة المصرية فى أعمال المجنة من حيث طريقة التمثيل الحكومى، وكممة السمطات المصرية والتى ألقتيا الدكتورة باكينام الشرقاوى، مستشارة الرئيس لمشئون السياسية، وكذلكما يجرى تداولو بشأن الدور الذى تمعبو الحكومة المصرية مع بعض الحكومات الأخرى، المعروفة بعدم احت ا رميا لحقوق الإنسان، من أجل التأثير السمبى عمى توصيات المجنة.

Une Commission de l’Assemble générale des Nations unies a adopté une résolution contre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF), ce qui représente un immense encouragement pour les organisations de la société civile qui luttent en vue de mettre fin à cette pratique destructrice.

Jubilant Palestinians have rejoiced at the historic - but largely symbolic - vote at the UN General Assembly in New York granting them non-member observer status.

GENEVA – “Women and girls who are forced to marry find themselves in servile marriages for the rest of their lives,” warned United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Gulnara Shahinian, in a statement to commemorate the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, which is celebrated on 2 December. “They are deprived of their genuine right to make their own choice for their future.”

تبنت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة أول قرار لها يندد بختان النساء والذي تعاني منه حوالي 140 مليون امرأة في العالم وتعتبره منظمات حقوقية عديدة تشويها لأعضاء الأنثى التناسلية واعتداء على حقوقها الجنسية.
