
The International Coalition on Women Human Rights Defenders is an international initiative for the recognition and protection of women who are activists advocating for the realization of all human rights for all. The campaign asserts that women fighting for human rights and particularly focusing on women's human rights face specific violations in the course of their work because of their sex and gender.

The Research Program Consortium on ‘Women’s Empowerment in Muslim Contexts: gender, poverty, and democratization from the inside out” (WEMC) was formed to address the question of how to achieve women’s empowerment in the fact of disempowering forces, old and new. The program focuses on four nodal countries – China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Iran – as well as cross-border communities. WEMC facilitates at least six projects in Iran alone on women’s empowerment, including on the women’s movement that works to prohibit stoning.

Women Living Under Muslim Laws is an international solidarity network that provides information, support and a collective space for women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam. Active networkers with WLUML include many Iranian activists involved in the anti-stoning initiative, as well as many other scholars, activists, and organizations that work against stoning and all forms of culturally-justified violence against women around the world and transnationally.

Human Rights Watch is an international humans organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights worldwide. They have worked consistently with activists all over the world to disseminate news on human rights abuses and has issued alerts, research publications, and other resources. 

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)’ s mandate is to contribute to the respect of all the rights defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. FIDH aims at obtaining effective improvements in the protection of victims, the prevention of Human Rights violations and the sanction of their perpetrators. Its priorities are set by the triennial World Congress and the International Board (22 members), with the support of the International Secretariat (30 staff members).

International Campaign Against Honour Killing (ICAHK) is an international network which aims to be part of a strong group of all women's rights organisations and individuals, all human rights activists and everyone who is fighting for equal rights and freedom. ICAHK is an independent and non-government network that aims to raise an international awareness about the issue of violence against women, in particular honour killing; also to build a strong network within women’s rights movements, organisations and individuals around the world to put an end to "honour" crimes.

Amnesty International is an international organization that promotes human rights worldwide. Their Stop Violence Against Women campaign works to combat sexual violence and other forms of culturally-justified violence. Amnesty International has consistently worked with activists in Iran to disseminate news on stoning and has issued alerts, research publications, and other resources on stoning in Iran as well as in other contexts. 

L’association permet de coordonner nos efforts pour mieux préserver les archives des associations et des militantes féministes : c’est l’affaire de toutes (et tous) : archivistes, historiennes, sociologues, personnes impliquées dans le mouvement associatif.

The authors test the unitary versus collective model of the household using specially designed data from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and South Africa. Human capital and individual assets at the time of marriage are used as proxy measures for bargaining power. In all four countries, we reject the unitary model as a description of household behaviour, but fail to reject the hypothesis that households are Pareto-efficient. In Bangladesh and South Africa, women's assets increase expenditure shares on education, while in Ethiopia it is men's assets that have this effect.
This desk study provides an analysis of the constraints and discrimination that women face with respect to access to rural land with the hope of informing future policy and civil society interventions. The country studies investigate statutory and customary discriminations, and they attempt to place the theme of women’s access to land into a larger socio-cultural frame of reference.
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