“It may be said that the provision of Mahr may be considered to be beneficiary to women as long as women’s social and economic subordination remains the norm. It is a way of reinforcing, institutionalising and perpetuating women’s dependency on men... It can only be appreciated as an effort to minimise the economic risk of women within marriage in a society where her rights to equality are either systematically denied or violated.”

In 1998, in Dossier 19, Sultana Kamal tackled the topic of Mahr, the Islamic obligation of the groom to provide the bride with money or possessions as a prerequisite to marriage. I will revisit this topic and review the ideas put forward by Kamal in different contexts. Kamal analyzes Mahr within a South Asian framework, but what can be said of it from a Gulf context? Furthermore, how can we as Muslim women assert our rights by understanding the place of Mahr in the Qur’an and Hadith?

File 1915 The Revolution Continues....

The year 2012 was full of rapid changes and posed numersous exciting opportunities and challenges for WLUML. It is our great pleasure to share the experiences, lessons, and outcomes of this year with our friends, supporters, and interested parties. Please download a copy of the WLUML 2012 Annual Report for an update of what we have been up to this past year! 

“Still Palestinian feminists are struggling to prioritize their goals: Should they fight exclusively for Palestinian statehood, in the hope that this will further their goals? Or should they be social critics, promoting long-term issues of democracy and women's rights as national institutions and a constitution are being formed? In 1988, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat proclaimed that "Palestine is a state...based on social justice, equality with no discrimination...on the basis of ethnicity, religion, color or between men and women." The mechanics of achieving such a vision were left undefined.”

-  Dahlia Scheindlin, "Palestinian Women's Model Parliament"

In WLUML Dossier 22, published 14 years ago, Dahlia Scheindlin argued that the relationship between the women’s movement in Palestine and the Palestinian national struggle is an uncertain one, as the national women’s movement is constantly faced with the question of where it situates itself in relation to the Palestinian liberation struggle. Is the women’s struggle situated within the wider national struggle or is gender equality a separate goal to be pursued independently of Palestinian nationhood?

Professor Charlotte Bunch will be honored today at the Global Fund for Women’s 25th Anniversary Gala with a human rights award named in her honor. The inaugural Charlotte Bunch Human Rights Defender Award will be launched and presented to three women’s rights advocates. The awardees are Mónica Roa from Women’s Link Worldwide in Colombia, Mozn Hassan from Nazra Institute for Feminist Studies in Egypt, and Stasa Zajovic from Women in Black in Serbia.

At least 100 people have been killed and many more are feared dead after an eight-storey building collapsed in the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Five garment factories - employing mostly women - were housed in the building, including Ether Tex Ltd., whose chairman said he was unaware of any warnings not to open the workshops.

Bishops of the Church of England are holding an emergency meeting at the General Synod to decide how to respond to the failure of legislation that would have allowed women to join their ranks.

Some of EgyptAir's flight attendants started wearing the veil for the first time in the company's history on Saturday, following approval by the minister of aviation.

لا تقتصر الأدوار التي تلعبها المرأة السورية في الثورة فقط على المشاركة الفاعلة في المظاهرات والتمريض والإغاثة والإعلام وكذلك توثيق الانتهاكات التي كانت هي أيضا ضحيتها، بل إنها متواجدة أيضا في قلب المعركة مع المقاتلين. تعددت الأدوار التي لعبتها المرأة السورية منذ انطلاق الثورة في بلاده، فبرز دورها في المجالات السلمية كالإعلام وتنسيق المظاهرات وتوثيق الانتهاكات والتمريض والإغاثة.

طُلب مني مؤخرا افتتاح ندوة عن حقوق المرأة. فكانت تلك فرصة لحوْصلة أفكاري في الموضوع، وفيها ما لا يُعجب، ومع ذلك فهي قناعاتي لم تزدني تجربة المسؤولية إلا تمسّكا بها. وأولى هذه القناعات أن الخطاب المتداول منذ أكثر من قرن عن المرأة هو اليوم جزء من المشكل وليس جزءا من الحلّ؛ ومن ثم كانت ضرورة التخلّص منه في أسرع وقت ممكن

سنان أنطون: يكثر الحديث عن الحرب والاحتلال وتبعاتهما وآثارهما على أوضاع المرأة في العراق، دون الإلتفات، بما فيه الكفاية، إلى تأثير الحصار وسنوات العقوبات الاقتصادية بين ١٩٩٠ و٢٠٠٣. هل لك أن تحدّثينا عن عواقب الحصار على العراق بما يخص أوضاع المرأة في العراق اقتصادياً واجتماعياً؟

لَقِّم المحتوى