File 3693

Knowledge Building Brief no. 1, Shari’ah, Fiqh and State Laws, highlights why it is essential to distinguish between these terms in order to set the divine and eternal apart from the human and temporal, and therefore open to change.

Download your copy in Arabic, English, or French, here. 


marieme helie lucas, founder of WLUML

Jan 5, 2016; Updated Jan 12


This submission references Shari’a, international human rights law, and the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia (PFC) to condemn human rights violations in Somalia. Although the Somali Government has implemented measures to foster the protection of human rights, Somalia maintains its highly critical human rights record, which requires greater national and international attention.

24 Jun 2015 by Marc-André Franche, Country Director, UNDP in Pakistan

On 30 May, the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan went to the polls to exercise their hard-earned democratic right to choose their local leaders.

By Mark Lowen,  1 June 2015

For years it has been their ritual - women who lost children and husbands in 30 years of armed conflict between the Kurds and the Turkish state.I meet them in Diyarbakir - the final stop of our election trip across Turkey.Age and exhaustion are etched on their faces. One wears a necklace with a picture of her missing children. Another has a bracelet bearing the Kurdish flag."Turkey doesn't think we Kurds are humans", says Sakine Arat, 80, who lost four sons and one daughter in the fighting. "We've tried all the political parties but none sided with us. Now we've found one - the HDP - that treats us as equals. So we will vote for it."The People's Democratic Party (HDP) is the one to watch in Turkey's election on Sunday.Its roots and support base are Kurdish but it has broadened out, becoming a powerful voice of the Turkish left.

A newsheet round-up of news and analysis relevant to Shirkat Gah's work. 

Please download the pdf to view the Newsheet.

The circular stirred controversy in Yemeni society, especially among women who feel that the next phase will bring in many unpleasant surprises regarding hard-won gains they had achieved. Some women have concerns about Houthis since they are so dogmatic when it comes to women’s rights.

DENIZ KANDIYOTI 19 January 2015

Caught in the cross-fire of political opportunism, neo-liberal triumphalism and geopolitical adventurism, feminist platforms are in retreat. Only a politics of coalition building can avert their eclipse.

The WLUML E-Gazette is a quarterly publication sent out to subscribers which aims to shed light upon the activities of the network and share important updates about women's and gender issues in the Muslim world and beyond. 

لَقِّم المحتوى