She ran for her life. Her husband had raped her again that night, this time more violently than ever in their 15-year marriage. He forced himself on her repeatedly, he choked her and threatened to kill her.

When she fled in the early hours of March 23, 2008 — down the stairwell, through the courtyard, into the street and up to a taxi — he caught up before the driver could pull away. She ran on, finally reaching a police station.

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Like every other citizen of Oslo, I have walked in the streets and buildings that have been blown away. I have even spent time on the island where young political activists were massacred. I share the fear and pain of my country. But the question is always why, and this violence was not blind. The terror of Norway has not come from Islamic extremists. Nor has it come from the far left, even though both these groups have been accused time after time of being the inner threat to our "way of living". Up to and including the terrifying hours in the afternoon of 22 July, the little terror my country has experienced has come from the far right.

"We say: No culture, religion or tradition can ever excuse violence in close relations, like forced marriages (and other abuses and malpractises)." Action Plan now available in English!
Défendre le droit de se convertir à toute religion
The mysterious death of Samira Munir, a Norwegian politician, in Oslo comes as a chilling deterrent to Muslim women who speak out about the violence against women in their communities in the West.
Samira Munir, Norwegian politician of Pakistani origin, died in mysterious circumstances on 14/11/05. Police hinted it may have been suicide. This is not impossible, but she received many death threats during her fight for the rights of Muslim women.
Plus d'une dizaine de coups de feu ont été tirés mercredi matin à Oslo contre le restaurant familial d'une comédienne norvégienne d'origine pakistanaise, connue pour ses provocations à l'encontre des partisans d'un islam conservateur, a annoncé la police.
The complex case around the death of Rahila Iqbal, 20, who died in connection with a car accident in Randheer, Pakistan last week, took a new turn on Wednesday when authorities there jailed her father and grandfather and charged them with murder.
The plan addresses the problem of forced marriages and recommends, among other measures, that steps should be taken to increase the level of knowledge and to provide opportunities for young people breaking out of a difficult family situation.
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