
3 results

One of the most fundamental stumbling blocks encountered and reported by the project partners of the WRRC-SWG was the difficulty of adequately addressing the many and diverse issues around the denial and oppression of women’s rights in sexuality, especially in the context of fundamentalist and anti-women ‘religious’ interpretations and practices, which are spreading in many parts of the globe, in particular, in Asian and African countries, with disastrous consequences for women’s rights and well-being.



This book is an integral part of the WRRC Programme. It presents the  strategies used by project partners to advance women’s rights in the face of culturally justified disempowerment anddiscusses their implementation in different contexts and in different thematic areas. This compilation is intended as a living resource, which will be amended and added to as women and organisations apply the strategies listed here to their own contexts, or try out new ones.


The Regional Coordination Office for Africa and the Middle East of the Women under Muslim Laws Network (WLUML-RCO/AME) organized a workshop on the topic of sexuality and sexual rights in Rabat, Morocco from May 5-8, 2009.  This regional meeting, which examined the issue of “Sexuality and Sexual Rights”, drew some two dozen participants from a wide range of countries, including Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda, RDC Congo, Lebanon and Pakistan.