Sister Organisation Publications

The first Feminist utopia to be published in the sub-continent this novel, which was first published in 1905 in Bangla by Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hussain, a Bengali Muslim novelist and social reformer, uses gender role reversal to highlight the absurdity of the position of women in society. This is the translation into Farsi of the classic work.

Egyptian women's experience of new khol provisions, as discussed in this book, act not only as a future warning for those seeking to expand women's access to divorce in other Muslim contexts. It also confirms what legal rights activists in Pakistan have known for many years since case law firmly established khol as a right available to the wife without the husband's permission in 1967.

This publication is the full Pakistan Country Report of the regional research study 'Women and Governance in South Asia: Re-Imagining the State.' The study aimed to understand the nature of, and impediments to, women's participation in political life and governance; to elicit women's vision(s) of what the state structure and political culture should be; and to identify their recommendations for refining and altering those processes for political participation that are currently inadequate to meet women's needs.

This is the Urdu version of the full Pakistan Country Report of the regional research study: Women and Governance in South Asia: Re-Imagining the State. The study aimed to understand the nature of, and impediments to, women's participation in political life and governance; to elicit women's vision(s) of what the state structure and political culture should be; and to identify their recommendations for refining and altering those processes for political participation that are currently inadequate to meet women's needs.

The Safra Project is a resource project on issues relating to lesbian, bisexual & transgender women who identify as Muslim religiously and/or culturally. The Safra Project ethos is one of inclusiveness and diversity. We welcome input from all individuals and groups seeking to combat all forms of prejudice.
There are various models of Constitutions in the world. This write-up is not looking at the technicalities of different models or offering a comparative analysis of those. It is an attempt to facilitate the reading of a Constitution, in search of Fundamental Rights, no matter what particular system of democratic governance, presidential or parliamentary, it has adopted.

The titles listed below can be ordered directly from Baobab for Women's Human Rights. Write to them at for more details. Visit the publications section of the Baobab for Women's Human Rights website for more information and links about other titles which have been produced by them:

Findings from the Shirkat Gah "Women, Law and Status Programme" involving broad based and systematic research into honour crimes in Punjab, North Western Frontier Province and Sindh.

Control of women’s sexuality remains to be one of the most powerful tools of patriarchy in most societies. The essays in this volume show that the sexual oppression of Muslim women is not the result of an ‘Islamic’ vision of sexuality, but a combination of political, social and economic inequalities throughout the ages.

Investigation of the historical, legal, and socio-cultural aspects of Muslim women's status in Malaysia. This set of papers is a collection of writings, which emanated from a research project entitled MUSWAL (Muslim Women and Law), sponsored by the Women's Crisis Centre (WCC) Penang.

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