Sister Organisation Publications

 The titles listed below can be ordered directly from Shirkat Gah Women's Resource Centre. Write to them at for more details.

The anthology bears witness to the anti-war attitudes and activities of women from the Yugoslav geographical space. It is a record of their emotional conflicts and pain, yet, at the same time, a testimonial of their strength and vitality. It treasures every individual story and every emotion. In this respect is follows Simone Weil’s dictum from the year 1943: “In momentous historical events, personal emotions have a significance which has never received proper attention.”
The titles listed below can be ordered directly from the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum. Write to them at for more details.

Can We Women Head a Muslim State?
Fatima Mernissi
Translated into Tamil by M. Nuhman
In her own words, in this slim volume Mernissi attempts to provide the young and uninformed reader with the basic facts about the ‘yes and No' debate on a woman's right to lead a Muslim state.
A booklet which aims to break the cycle of impunity in cases of honour killings by clarifying common misconceptions about the law and by providing information on some basic aspects of the law and the operation of the legal machinery in Pakistan as it relates to murder.

Guide pratique d'informations à l'intention des femmes originaires du Maghreb vivant en France, concernant leurs droits au sein de la famille et les recours juridiques possibles en cas de dissolution du mariage (divorce, répudiation…) Cette brochure s'adresse aussi aux associations, assistantes sociales, institutions, conseillers juridiques ou avocats intervenant dans ces domaines.

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