Russian Federation

In Chechnya there is official support for attacks on women when they are considered to have ‘flouted’ Islamic rules by not wearing a headscarf or covering up enough. Tanya Lokshina listened to some of the women’s despairing accounts. 

The office of the human rights organisation, Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights (MDHR), burned down on the night of 19 August 2009, resulting in the destruction of all office equipment.
Morality drive focuses on low-cut clothing and other signs of behaviour seen as 'un-traditional' and therefore inappropriate.
The pro-Moscow Chechen government has started to demand that female state workers wear headscarves, women in the turbulent Muslim region have recently reported.
Chechnya has lost so many men to war that survivors should be legally allowed to take several wives, acting Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov has said.
For some, multiple marriage offers a simple solution to the gender imbalance caused by conflict. But others say introducing the practice is the last thing Chechens need.
WLUML is sharing this article because of the important links it reveals between events in Daghestan and faraway Canada where the extreme Right within the Muslim community has attempted to introduce separate laws for Muslims.
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