
Though traditionally tolerant of women’s groups, the Karimov regime has been cracking down since the violence in Andijan in May. Women’s NGOs have been closed and pressure increased on activists.
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice have recently initiated a collaborative research project with the University of Sydney, Australia on use of the Rome Statute to advance and promote women’s human rights domestically.
Les associations de femmes appellent au rejet de la charte de paix et de réconciliation.
It is women who have borne the responsibility of promoting reconciliation and healing at the local level. It is women who receive refugees and ex-combatants during war. Women should be at the negotiating table in Abuja.
Paper prepared for the Women in Black International Network Conference, Jerusalem/Israel, August 12th – 16th 2005.
Last week, more than 650 women peace activists from 44 countries convened in Jerusalem for the second International Women in Black Conference.
We recently conducted a gender training seminar for the Registry of the ICC, specifically for staff dealing with victims and witnesses, reparations and participation issues, and security personnel.
Many women could not travel to be at the meeting in Jerusalem, so this website allows you to follow discussions and participate and feel connected to those at the meeting.
From a reporter, Hannah Allam, currently in Iraq who is responding to a raging and very angry debate that began on the Arab Women's Solidarity Association listserv when children were recently killed while taking candy from US soldiers.
A personal report back on the vigil of Women in Black in the main square of Belgrade on the anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre.
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