International: Update – Women and the ICC

Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice have recently initiated a collaborative research project with the University of Sydney, Australia on use of the Rome Statute to advance and promote women’s human rights domestically.
The first phase of this project entails conducting a review of States' implemention of the Rome Statute into domestic law from a gender perspective.
Currently more than 50 states have some form of ‘implementing legislation’. In addition to developing a database on national implementation of the Rome Statute, the project will explore the actual or potential use of the Statute to advocate for law reform to promote women’s human rights specifically (but not only) in relation to violence against women; use of the Statute by legal practitioners and the judiciary, and the development of domestic jurisprudence; use of the Statute to promote the rights of victims; and exploring possible use of the Statute to advocate for land rights and reform of inheritance laws by promoting compliance with the reparations mechanism of the ICC Trust Fund for Victims.


We have produced an information card series on ‘Rights and the Rome Statute’ which provides easy-to-read information on the rights of ‘victims’ under the Rome Statute. Currently the series is available in English, but we are close to finalizing the series in Lou, French, Arabic and Russian. In the near future it will also be available in Spanish. An electronic copy of the series will be available on our website (to be launched mid November).