
US soldiers are alleged to have abused, intimidated or sexually humiliated Iraqi women.
Le 6 avril, les Femmes en Noir et des citoyen-nes serbes ont manifesté à Belgrade, scandant le slogan "Pas en notre nom, pas avec notre argent", contre le vote d'un soutien financier aux criminels de guerre.
Currently the ICC is undergoing an enormous recruitment process to staff the Court in preparation for it’s substantive work.
On 6th April, Women in Black together with citizens of Serbia, protested under the slogan "Not in our name, not with our money."
Information on issues relating to women in Iraq from the website of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
The nineteenth in the series of Courts of Women held since 1993 in different regions - Asia, Africa, the Arab world, Pacific, Central America and the Mediterranean.
On the long highways out of Baghdad - on the notorious Highway 8 to Hilla and further south - a dark and fearful tactic is being resurrected from the terrible years of Algerian butchery just a decade ago: the false police checkpoint.
The condition of Iraq’s women is a litmus test of the country’s movement towards civil rights and democratic governance.
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