
Bibliography, Audiovisuals & Organisations/Campaigns.

Research and writing about women and Muslim communities, the role & attitude of the state towards religious authority, the contemporary status of Islamist social movements and so on.

Compilation de 4 traductions, parmi les plus reconnues, du Coran en langue française. En comparant certains passages du Coran – toutes les sourates concernant les femmes – ce document permet de souligner les différences d’interprétations proposées par les différents traducteurs considérés.

Following the publication of articles on progressive interpretations of Islam in our previous issues, we chose to highlight efforts by women historians to trace and recover women's history at the advent of Islam. For the first time we have included pieces on Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, where women actively struggle for their rights, and a paper on migrants in the UK where the Rushdie affair was a strong indicator of an extremist religious right.

The Dossier 2 attempts to provide specific information on one region in keeping with our intentions of preparing and compiling information about lives and struggles of women living in Muslim contexts. The first part is on Pakistan, the second and major one on India.

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