Middle East

December 7th 2014, Via October 26th Driving Campaign
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October 26th Driving campaign expresses its deep concern for the recent arrests and detention of two women activists who drove their cars to the Eastern border of Albatha'a in Saudi Arabia. 

‘There is such a strong desire on the part of many of us to make clear that “I am not ISIS. I am not like those crazies,”’ according to Ani Zonneveld, founder of Muslims for Progressive Values. She explains the struggle to organize progressive Muslim communities and institutions in a fight back in the era of ISIS, in conversation with Karima Bennoune.

As the UN Security Council tackles the entity claiming to be “Islamic State,” and President Barack Obama invokes global Muslim responsibility, many ask whether people of Muslim heritage do enough to counter extremism.

Que l’on croit ou pas qu’une intervention militaire US/Europe contre l’Etat Islamique soit une stratégie vouée à l’échec,
que l’on prévoit ou pas que le fait de choisir la mauvaise stratégie pourrait plonger la région dans le chaos pour des décennies et amener encore plus de combattants à rejoindre l’EI,
que l’on considère ou pas qu’une intervention militaire ne ferait que servir de couverture à l’impérialisme au Moyen Orient,
que l’on soit conscient ou pas du fait que, dans le passé, les droits humains ont servi de justification aux opérations militaires,
que l’on soit ou pas un pacifiste jusqu’au-boutiste, opposé à toute guerre quelle qu’elle soit, y compris contre Hitler (ou les nouveaux Hitlers de notre temps, qu’en Algérie nous appelons depuis les années 90 des fascistes-verts),...

Whether or not one believes a US/European military intervention against the Islamic State is a strategy that is likely to fail,
whether or not one foresees, as a result of opting for the wrong strategy, decades of chaos in the region and more fighters joining IS,
whether or not one considers military intervention as a cover up from imperialism in the Middle East,
whether or not one is aware of human rights past justifications for military interventions,
whether or not one is an all-out pacifist opposed to any war, even against Hitler (or the new Hitlers of our times that we, in Algeria, have been labeling ‘green-fascists’ since the nineties),

Karima Bennoune is UC Davis law professor, author of “Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism” and a WLUML Board Member.

As President Obama prepares to chair the September 24 special session of the UN Security Council, it is critical to understand that this evolving conflict is not just between the United States and Islamic State. This is a global struggle against jihadist violence and the ideas that underlie it.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Levantine (ISIS) atrocities, since the occupation of Mosul city, have shocked the Iraqi and the International community altogether. Their criminal conduct is abysmal against Iraqi women in general, and specifically against the Yazidi, Christian, Shiite Shebek and Turkomen women.

Honour Killing is a daily crime committed against women and young girls in the Region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Although hundreds of women fall victims of Honour Killings every year, the authorities seems unable or unwilling to offer them any protection.  According to official statistics in the last four months of 2014 alone, 14 women have been murdered.

War in Syria has killed more than 10,000  children. More than 1 million more have fled the country in fear, while millions more  remain displaced inside the country.This briefing looks at another disturbing but less  publicised impact of the cr

أعربت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية اليوم عن صدمتها إزاء قرار محكمة جنح مصر الجديدة باستمرار حبس يارا سلام، مسؤول ملف العدالة الانتقالية بالمبادرة المصرية و22 آخرين في القضية المرتبطة بمظاهرة سلمية خرجت يوم السبت الماضي 21 يونيو في حي مصر الجديدة وتعرضت للتفريق على يد قوات شرطة ساعدها أشخاص يرتدون ملابس مدنية.

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