protest; state violence; unlawful arrests; women human rights defenders; human rights violation

تدين شيكة "النساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين" ومنظمة آري ومجموعة نساء النوبة ن قتل مئات المحتجين السودانيين وجرح العديد منهم، نتيجة استخدام قوات الأمن السودانية للقوة المتعسفة وغير القانونية المستخدمة ضد موجة من الاحتجاجات في الخرطوم والعديد من المدن الأخرى في البلاد.

Khartoum. 27th September 2013. Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) follows with great concern the gross human rights violations that accompany the ongoing peaceful protests since 22nd September 2013, especially in Medani and Khartoum. People were protesting in different locations in Medani, Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman against the government decision to cut subsidy of oil products, and consequently increase prices of fuel and food items. Police and security have dealt with these protests violently leading to killings in several cases.

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