UN related

Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a exigé jeudi la fin des violences sexuelles contre les civils dans les conflits armés, pratique très répandue dans les zones de guerre à travers le monde.
“During wartime, it’s often more dangerous to be a woman than to be a soldier.”
The Human Rights Council held two panel discussions on the human rights of women, the first discussing violence against women – identification of priorities, and the second discussing maternal mortality and the human rights of women.
On 7 April 2008, Inés Alberdi was appointed the new Executive Director of the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). However, the appointment has sparked criticism from women's rights activists who had campaigned for a candidate from the developing world
Experienced Gender Official from Spain Chosen to Head UNIFEM
"Entre les mains des pays islamiques, la Commission des droits de l’homme de l’ONU et maintenant le Conseil des droits de l’homme a des allures de tribunal de l’Inquisition…"
In a recent press release, Article 19, an independent human rights organisation, voiced its concerns over a proposal at the Human Rights Council to prevent the examination of issues involving "defamation of religion".
Les prochaines élections de la Commission CEDEF auront lieu en juin 2008.
The deadline for application to the 2008 English speaking fellowship programme is 10 December 2007. It is expected that five Fellows will be chosen to participate in the 2008 Programme to be held between February and May 2008.
Isabella Bakker's report on financing gender equality and empowerment, from the United Nation Division for the Advancement of Women, Expert Group Meeting on Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (4-7 Sep. 07) Download the report here.
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