Nicaragua: UN committee complains about influence of Catholic church

In a letter to the Nicaraguan National Assembly, Silvia Pimentel, vice chairman of CEDAW, criticized the influence of “the hierarchies of the Catholic Church and some Evangelical Churches” in the draft reforms of Nicaragua’s penal code.
Pimentel asserted that by consulting with Nicaraguan religious leaders, Nicaragua had violated its own constitution as “an independent, free, sovereign, unitary, and indivisible State,” that “does not have an official religion.”
Written on behalf of the entire CEDAW committee, the letter said, “We call upon the Honorable Nicaraguan deputies to postpone the current discussion of the Penal Code and adopt a consultation process to allow for decisions to be based on the defense of the Secular State.”

Pimentel, a Brazilian jurist and coordinator for the Latin American pro-abortion lobby, CLADEM, is a professor at the Pontifical Catholic University in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her CEDAW job has just been extended two years. Her letter asserts that “the right to a therapeutic abortion is inherent in human rights, like the right to life and the right to health… protected by international treaties and conventions signed by Nicaragua.” When abortion was mentioned in a non-binding resolution, Nicaragua and other nations made reservations excluding any right to abortion.