Malaysia: Gender segregation at coed school
“This is very much against the policy of the Education Ministry. A co-ed school is meant to be a co-ed school and headmasters cannot decide to have different policies for their schools,” Mohamad said.
“There has to be uniformity. Segregating students defeats the very purpose co-ed schools were introduced,” he said.
State Education Department director Abdullah Mohammad said the school had not been granted permission to segregate the students. “There can be no segregation based on gender or race. In fact, we are promoting students to mingle in school in efforts to enhance unity among multiracial Malaysians,” he said.
Abdullah, who met the school authorities after being told of the matter on Wednesday, said he had directed the senior assistant to ensure the policy was rescinded immediately. "In fact, I was surprised when told that there were different walkways for male and female students. This cannot be allowed,” he said. The school headmaster Muhammad Amir YM Shariff was away performing the haj in Mecca.
Asked if disciplinary action could be taken against the school head for breaching the ministry’s policy, Abdullah said he would first need to get more information on the changes made.
By: Sarban Singh
9 January 2007
Source: The Star, Malaysia
MB persoal sekolah pisah lelaki-perempuan
Sebuah sekolah menengah di Taman Seremban Jaya di sini menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati di kalangan ibu bapa kerana mengasingkan pelajar perempuan dan lelaki dalam semua aktiviti termasuk ketika membeli makanan di kantin.
Perkara itu akhirnya dibawa ke pengetahuan Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan yang meminta Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri segera menyiasat dakwaan itu.
"Kita tidak mahu ada sekolah buat dasar baru. Dasar kita ialah sekolah bercampur, kalau nak asing-asingkan murid baik tidak payah buat sekolah campur," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mesyuarat exco hari ini.
Katanya amalan mengasingkan pelajar bukan merupakan satu amalan biasa di Negeri Sembilan dan sekolah berkenaan telah membuat satu dasar baru yang bertentangan dengan dasar pendidikan sedia ada.
"Saya tidak mahu sentuh soal boleh atau tidak, cuma kalau sebuah sekolah sudah buat dasar baru, bayangkan kalau sekolah-sekolah lain juga buat dasar masing-masing. Sebelum keadaan menjadi tidak terkawal ... buatlah tindakan sekarang," katanya.
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