Bahrain: WPC Statement on International Human Rights Day

A Statement by Women's Petition Committee (Bahrain) on the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
"We are witnessing this year the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at a time the issues of human rights are important on the international level, particularly developing countries.
This occasion should be a beacon for us to promote human rights concepts and noble values. We are confident that any move designed to spread and strengthen a culture of human rights will enhance the importance of the Declaration. The Women's Petition Committee in Kingdom of Bahrain supports this trend, at the same time emphasizing the need to adhere to the dissemination of culture, in accordance with internationally agreed standards. With the celebration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is incumbent on all to consolidate the concepts that are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by highlighting the values and principles that are enshrined in the Declaration and its application on the ground.

The Women's Petition Committee hopes that the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be a good sign for passing of a personal status law in Bahrain. The draft personal status law is a popular demand that will strengthen the role of women in society and eliminate all injustice they suffer. At the same time we hope for devoting efforts towards adopting this project. While, the Women's Petition Committee is eager to support the adoption of the draft law, it supports all efforts to bring the law into existence. We believe that some forces that oppose those efforts will not bear fruit, especially in light of the growing public demand to pass the bill.

Finally, The Women's Petition Committee takes advantage of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to pay tribute to all the forces working for the promotion of human rights and especially women's rights. It also hopes that this anniversary to be the beginning of a collective efforts to work on the approval of the draft personal status law in Bahrain.

Source: Women's Petition Committee