France: MCC welcomes Sarkozy's comment on Burka
The decision to wear the burka is by no means a reflection of the genuine choices of Muslim women. The argument that Muslim women opt to wear the burka does not withstand scrutiny when considering the repressive nature of orthodox Muslim society in general.
A choice is genuine only if it is exercised among alternatives and the woman making the choice has the ability to do so. In the absence of any alternative discourse on the burka, no Muslim woman can be seen as having exercised such a choice in an authentic manner.
"If the burka was a matter of choice, then why is it that I do not see a single Muslim man wearing this black tent of shame," said Sohail Raza.
The burka is a vestige of a medieval culture that has no place either in Canada, France or any other place in the 21st century where our modern sensibilities have come to recognize equality of men and women as an inalienable right for all. The burka must be banned in all civilized societies.
24 June 2009
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Relevant Resources
- Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
- Special Issue: Gender and Fundamentalism
- Position Statement on Apostasy and Blasphemy
- Report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Heiner Bielefeldt, Human Rights Council 28th Session
- Dossier 30-31: The Struggle for Secularism in Europe and North America