International: Actions for women's health - 28 May 2004
Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights A compilation of some of the planned activities of members and supporters of Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights 'Women's Access To Health' Campaign.
At the University of Rajshani one of our members organises a seminar for NGOs working with women’s health and media. Two papers on privatisation and women’s access to health in Bangladesh will be presented.
Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial organises a conference on June 3rd on the impact of the conservative right wing on international and European policies related to sexuality and abortion. WGNRR will be presenting the Call for Action on Health Sector Reforms.
Marie Stopes has launched a campaign which continues on the 28th “Prevention of Uterine Cancer is Everyone’s Responsibility”, reaching out to health care professionals and an estimated 2000 women.
The State of Rio de Janeiro organises a seminar on “Maternal Mortality, Prevention and Control” and an exhibition of national and local images and texts on “Safe Motherhood – the Bridge for the Future”.
A roundtable on Women’s Access to Health and health sector reforms is hosted by the Assocation pur la Promotion de la Femme. The panel includes a hospital director and representatives of the Ministry, UNFPA and the National Human Rights Committee.
The women’s working group of the BC Health Coalition hosts an information stand at a public library and a forum on women’s reproductive rights, focusing on cuts to maternity services and access to family planning. A petition demanding the establishment of a Reproductive Rights Fund for women in BC will be initiated.
Costa Rica
Colectiva por el Derecho a Decidir will organise a debate with policy makers about the follow-up and significance of the recent reaffirmation of the Cairo commitments.
Sendas (‘Servicios para un Desarrollo Alternativo del Sur Caminando hacia la Equidad de Género’), in collaboration with other women’s organisations, organises streets marches, mural paintings and a forum on the impact of neo-liberal policies on women’s health in Cuenca and Gualaceo.
CRAED (‘Centre de Recherche ou Aider les Enfants Demunis’) organises a public event in North West Haiti to raise awareness and offer a platform for debate.
One supporter wrote an article about the Call for Action for the Deccan Herald newspaper in Karnataka state, which will appear on 28 May.
Sama releases a report on Women’s Health supports (with input) a sister organisation in Andhra Pradesh who organises a public event on the impact of reforms in Vizag district.
GVS (Grameena Vikas Samithi) organises an activity on ‘Healing with Herbs’ at a women’s University campus to educate staff and students on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.
HealthWatch UP organises a seminar on Women’s Access to Healthcare, with maternal health as core focus. Ministry officials are invited to discuss new health policies.
As part of the Women’s Access to Health Campaign, one member developed a booklet on maternal health in Tamil to be distributed to rural women in Tamil Nadu.
Rural Development & Youth Training Institute in Rajasthan launches a campaign on women’s health and sexual and reproductive rights in 120 villages through workshops, group discussions, rallies, dramas, puppet show and media attention.
Soshiren co-organises a lecture on the Eugenic Protection Law from the perspective of sterilization of people with Hansen’s Disease and abortion and shows the Japanese film “I do not want you to forget about it: Hidden “forced sterilization”.
As one member states: “it is my feeling that women need economical empowerment to enable them to have a voice and not remain depend on men”. As a result, she organises a meeting of women in her community with a micro finance organisation to initiate income generating activities.
ESE (Association for Emancipation, Solidarity & Equality of Women) shows a film on HIV/AIDS and women and girls combined with a panel discussion.
Centro de Investigaciones en Salud de Comitán in Chiapas presents an information package for women on decision-making and (formal and traditional) services related to pregnancy and delivery that they developed.
CIDHAL (Comunicación Intercambio y Desarrollo Humano en America Latina) organises a series of events on women’s health in May, including video presentations on fundamentalism and choice, (female) condom demonstrations, erotic poetry and a presentation of the ‘tree of life, for women’s lives’.
WODES (Women Development Society) organises an activity on women’s health in conflict situations.
WGNRR, Humanist Committee on Human Rights (HOM) and the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) jointly organise a panel and discussion: “Health Sector Reforms in North and South: Hazardous to Women’s Health?”
Women Protection Organization (WOPO) in Lagos organises various seminars with members of the Human Rights Network of Nigeria, traditional health care providers youth groups and the Community Development Association.
One of our members translated part of the Call for Action into Yoruba for further dissemination.
GHARF (Global Health and Awareness Research Foundation) organise a workshop on women and HIV/AIDS.
Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres – Ayacucho (MAM-A) publicly launches their movement and promotes women’s access to health.
CEPROMUN (Centro de Promocion de la Mujer del Norte) launches a regional campaign “Women’s right to Health; A Right to Conquer” with a forum discussion on Women’s Access to Health and Gender Equity and a march through the streets for better quality health services.
Women in Black organises an international conference (28 – 30 May) “Women Creating Peace: Everything for Peace, knowledge, and health, nothing for armament”. The program includes presentations and discussions on a feminist approach to health and security and a street march.
Sierra Leone
Shepherd’s Hospice hosts a community event to commemorate the day.
WGNRR Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
RMMDR Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos
RMFDR Réseau Mondial des Femmes pour les Droits sur la Reproduction
Vrolikstraat 453–d, 1092 TJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: +31.20.6209672
Fax: +31.20.6222450
At the University of Rajshani one of our members organises a seminar for NGOs working with women’s health and media. Two papers on privatisation and women’s access to health in Bangladesh will be presented.
Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial organises a conference on June 3rd on the impact of the conservative right wing on international and European policies related to sexuality and abortion. WGNRR will be presenting the Call for Action on Health Sector Reforms.
Marie Stopes has launched a campaign which continues on the 28th “Prevention of Uterine Cancer is Everyone’s Responsibility”, reaching out to health care professionals and an estimated 2000 women.
The State of Rio de Janeiro organises a seminar on “Maternal Mortality, Prevention and Control” and an exhibition of national and local images and texts on “Safe Motherhood – the Bridge for the Future”.
A roundtable on Women’s Access to Health and health sector reforms is hosted by the Assocation pur la Promotion de la Femme. The panel includes a hospital director and representatives of the Ministry, UNFPA and the National Human Rights Committee.
The women’s working group of the BC Health Coalition hosts an information stand at a public library and a forum on women’s reproductive rights, focusing on cuts to maternity services and access to family planning. A petition demanding the establishment of a Reproductive Rights Fund for women in BC will be initiated.
Costa Rica
Colectiva por el Derecho a Decidir will organise a debate with policy makers about the follow-up and significance of the recent reaffirmation of the Cairo commitments.
Sendas (‘Servicios para un Desarrollo Alternativo del Sur Caminando hacia la Equidad de Género’), in collaboration with other women’s organisations, organises streets marches, mural paintings and a forum on the impact of neo-liberal policies on women’s health in Cuenca and Gualaceo.
CRAED (‘Centre de Recherche ou Aider les Enfants Demunis’) organises a public event in North West Haiti to raise awareness and offer a platform for debate.
One supporter wrote an article about the Call for Action for the Deccan Herald newspaper in Karnataka state, which will appear on 28 May.
Sama releases a report on Women’s Health supports (with input) a sister organisation in Andhra Pradesh who organises a public event on the impact of reforms in Vizag district.
GVS (Grameena Vikas Samithi) organises an activity on ‘Healing with Herbs’ at a women’s University campus to educate staff and students on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.
HealthWatch UP organises a seminar on Women’s Access to Healthcare, with maternal health as core focus. Ministry officials are invited to discuss new health policies.
As part of the Women’s Access to Health Campaign, one member developed a booklet on maternal health in Tamil to be distributed to rural women in Tamil Nadu.
Rural Development & Youth Training Institute in Rajasthan launches a campaign on women’s health and sexual and reproductive rights in 120 villages through workshops, group discussions, rallies, dramas, puppet show and media attention.
Soshiren co-organises a lecture on the Eugenic Protection Law from the perspective of sterilization of people with Hansen’s Disease and abortion and shows the Japanese film “I do not want you to forget about it: Hidden “forced sterilization”.
As one member states: “it is my feeling that women need economical empowerment to enable them to have a voice and not remain depend on men”. As a result, she organises a meeting of women in her community with a micro finance organisation to initiate income generating activities.
ESE (Association for Emancipation, Solidarity & Equality of Women) shows a film on HIV/AIDS and women and girls combined with a panel discussion.
Centro de Investigaciones en Salud de Comitán in Chiapas presents an information package for women on decision-making and (formal and traditional) services related to pregnancy and delivery that they developed.
CIDHAL (Comunicación Intercambio y Desarrollo Humano en America Latina) organises a series of events on women’s health in May, including video presentations on fundamentalism and choice, (female) condom demonstrations, erotic poetry and a presentation of the ‘tree of life, for women’s lives’.
WODES (Women Development Society) organises an activity on women’s health in conflict situations.
WGNRR, Humanist Committee on Human Rights (HOM) and the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) jointly organise a panel and discussion: “Health Sector Reforms in North and South: Hazardous to Women’s Health?”
Women Protection Organization (WOPO) in Lagos organises various seminars with members of the Human Rights Network of Nigeria, traditional health care providers youth groups and the Community Development Association.
One of our members translated part of the Call for Action into Yoruba for further dissemination.
GHARF (Global Health and Awareness Research Foundation) organise a workshop on women and HIV/AIDS.
Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres – Ayacucho (MAM-A) publicly launches their movement and promotes women’s access to health.
CEPROMUN (Centro de Promocion de la Mujer del Norte) launches a regional campaign “Women’s right to Health; A Right to Conquer” with a forum discussion on Women’s Access to Health and Gender Equity and a march through the streets for better quality health services.
Women in Black organises an international conference (28 – 30 May) “Women Creating Peace: Everything for Peace, knowledge, and health, nothing for armament”. The program includes presentations and discussions on a feminist approach to health and security and a street march.
Sierra Leone
Shepherd’s Hospice hosts a community event to commemorate the day.
WGNRR Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
RMMDR Red Mundial de Mujeres por los Derechos Reproductivos
RMFDR Réseau Mondial des Femmes pour les Droits sur la Reproduction
Vrolikstraat 453–d, 1092 TJ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: +31.20.6209672
Fax: +31.20.6222450
Submitted on Чт, 05/27/2004 - 23:00