Dossier 5-6

Publication Author: 
December 1988 - May 1989
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This discussion started in Dossier No. 4 and we hope you will feed into it with your contributions, keeping in mind that we need to cross examine these questions in different parts of the Muslim world.

By reproducing some of the ‘Alerts for Action’ which we sent out during the past months, we also bring to your attention some of the problems that women in the migrant communities face and the need for solidarity from and with women’s groups in Muslim contexts.

A lot of effort has been put into the resource section, which now includes visuals.

We have also prepared a French version of the Dossiers, since most women from the Arab world and French speaking Africa have little or no access to information and contact with women’s groups in the Anglophone areas; the first issue in French will come out in December 1989; you can help us to disseminate information by suggesting potential readers. Professional translation is very expensive; we call on those of you who have mastered both the ex-colonial languages to undertake translations for the Dossiers. Do write to the coordination office and offer your services.