Afghanistan: Statement of the Women's Political Participation Committee
The Women’s Political Participation Committee Afghan women protest against the government decision to re-establish the Vice and Virtue Department.
“Liberty is the natural right of human beings. This right has no limits unless affecting the rights of others or public interests, which are regulated by law. Liberty and dignity of human beings are inviolable. The state has the duty to respect and protect the liberty and dignity of human beings.” (Afghan Constitution, Article 24)
The Women's Political Participation Committee expresses their strong protest against the violation of the Article 24 of The Afghan Constitution (through the edict on the re-establishment of Vice and Virtue Department).
The formation of such department appears designed to scrutinize beliefs, interfere by public forces in the personal domain and is the violation of personal dignity of the citizens, violation of Afghan constitution, Human Rights and International Conventions Afghanistan is bind by. This indicates the return to the past dictatorship and is against all democratic values.
It is not surprising that women, the international community and people of the world is talking about the Taliban like thinking of the Afghan government officials.
The Afghan government instead is revitalizing the very institution which left the marks of abuse, insult and inhuman behavior on Afghans memory by the dictator regimes of the past, should improve the security forces such as police to avoid anarchism, insecurity and respect the article 29 of the Constitution.
The way to fight moral corruption is not to abuse human and human abuse is clearly forbidden by Article 29 of the Constitution “Torture of human beings is prohibited. No person, even with the intention of discovering the truth, can resort to torture or order the torture of another person who may be under prosecution, arrest, or imprisoned, or convicted to punishment. Punishment contrary to human integrity is prohibited”.
Also according to Article 6 of the Afghan Constitution “The state is obliged to create a prosperous and progressive society based on social justice, protection of human dignity, protection of human rights, and realization of democracy...”
In respect of all the above mentioned the Women's Political Participation Committee rejects the formation of Vice and Virtue and asks for reconsideration as women are always the sacrifice of customs, tradition and partial interpretation of Islam in the name of Islam.
We women as first Islamic Umah (Muslims) don’t want any more that Islam be used for male dominance and politicization.
The formation of such department appears designed to scrutinize beliefs, interfere by public forces in the personal domain and is the violation of personal dignity of the citizens, violation of Afghan constitution, Human Rights and International Conventions Afghanistan is bind by. This indicates the return to the past dictatorship and is against all democratic values.
It is not surprising that women, the international community and people of the world is talking about the Taliban like thinking of the Afghan government officials.
The Afghan government instead is revitalizing the very institution which left the marks of abuse, insult and inhuman behavior on Afghans memory by the dictator regimes of the past, should improve the security forces such as police to avoid anarchism, insecurity and respect the article 29 of the Constitution.
The way to fight moral corruption is not to abuse human and human abuse is clearly forbidden by Article 29 of the Constitution “Torture of human beings is prohibited. No person, even with the intention of discovering the truth, can resort to torture or order the torture of another person who may be under prosecution, arrest, or imprisoned, or convicted to punishment. Punishment contrary to human integrity is prohibited”.
Also according to Article 6 of the Afghan Constitution “The state is obliged to create a prosperous and progressive society based on social justice, protection of human dignity, protection of human rights, and realization of democracy...”
In respect of all the above mentioned the Women's Political Participation Committee rejects the formation of Vice and Virtue and asks for reconsideration as women are always the sacrifice of customs, tradition and partial interpretation of Islam in the name of Islam.
We women as first Islamic Umah (Muslims) don’t want any more that Islam be used for male dominance and politicization.
Related info/URLs:
The Women’s Political Participation Committee is an Afghan women independent, non-partisan lobbying group promoting women’s political participation. The committee comprises of women’s rights activists representing various civil society organizations.
Submitted on Чт, 07/20/2006 - 23:00