29 juillet 2015 -  Par Mathieu Olivier

 Les autorités nigériennes ont annoncé mercredi l’interdiction du port du voile intégral dans la région de Diffa, dans le Sud-Est, à la frontière avec le Nigeria. Auparavant, le Tchad et le Cameroun avaient également pris des mesures similaires.


In Niger and Nigeria, men who want more than their legally permitted four wives are buying women and girls to use as ‘unofficial’ wives. These women are resented by the ‘legal’ wives and face a life of endless work, cruelty and attempts to flee in destitution in the hope of starting a new life, according to a new Anti-Slavery report.

Comment souhaitez-vous vous présenter aux internautes de Nigerdiaspora ?

Je suis nigérienne âgée de 55 ans, historienne de formation. Dans la réalité j’ai plus travaillé dans le développement, et cela pendant plus de deux décennies. Je suis mariée, mère de 3 enfants (2 garçons et une fille), grand-mère d’une petite fille âgée de 3 ans. Je suis tante de nombreux neveux et nièces.

Je réside à Niamey où j’ai fait mes études secondaires et passé toute ma carrière professionnelle. Mon village natal est Birni Gaouré , une localité située dans la vallée du « Dallol Bosso» connue sous l’appellation de Boboye. C’est une zone d’échanges, de brassage interculturel et ethnique. Je suis née dans une famille modeste. Aujourd’hui, je partage mon temps entre mes fonctions professionnelles, associatives, sociales et familiales et mes divers centres d’intérêts. Comme toutes les femmes nigériennes de ma catégorie et de mon âge, je joue aisément mes rôles pluriels et assume mes identités multiples, nigérienne,  musulmane, je crois aux valeurs universelles de progrès, de paix et de tolérance.

NIAMEY , Jul 30 2013 (IPS) - For El Hadji Souley Moussa, a 60-year-old retired bank employee in Niger, “marrying off a daughter when she is young is a source of great pride. This way, she is protected from pregnancy outside of marriage.”

It is no wonder that a population and health survey conducted in 2012 by the Ministry of Public Health, and released this July, revealed that 75 percent of girls get married before the age of 18 in this Sahelien country of 16 million inWest Africa. According to the study, young girls aged between 15 and 19 years are the most vulnerable.


Each day before the reaping, the 11-year-old girl walked between the stunted stalks of millet with a sense of mounting dread. In a normal year, the green shoots vaulted out of the ground and rose as high as 13 feet (4 meters), a wall tall enough to conceal an adult man. This time, they only reached her waist. Even the tallest plant in her family's plot barely grazed her shoulder. Zali could feel the tug of the invisible thread tying her fate to that of the land. As the world closed in around her, she knew that this time the bad harvest would mean more than just hunger.

REFEPA’s goal in this project was to give voice to women to assert their rights to property and inheritance in the context of State laws, Muslim laws and customary laws. The project undertook action research in two sites – Hamdallahi and Kollo Zarma – and used the following strategies to achieve the above goal:

Address: BP 11613, Niamey

Tel: (+227)-20 72 42 07

Fax: s/c SNV –20 75 35 06

Contact: Mme Maiga Amsou Amadou

This is an educational kit comprising 8 thematic papers, that is complementary to a film about the Lessons Learned from Niger’s Rural Code. The papers are meant to encourage viewers to look further into some of the topics that the film deals with, and provide practical data (facts and figures, diagrams, maps, etc…) about the reality of Niger’s Rural Code. They are a key tool for moderators to lead discussions with the audience and go further into the debate.

This article attempts to present a practical as well as theoretical overview of the current land tenure situation in Niger. West Africa.

A survey of indigenous land tenure in Subsaharan Africa, Land Reform, Land settlements and cooperatives, 2004/1
