[law] general

The young Muslim couple chose a path advocated by Islamic scholars concerned about women's rights: drawing up a Muslim marriage contract that takes into account modern needs.
A broadcast featuring partners of the Women's Learning Partnership, talking about the international launch of the campaign on Arab women's right to nationality.
On 8th September 2006, The High Court of Tanzania rejected a petition by human rights activists to declare the customary inheritance law unconstitutional.
Today, 13th September 2006, the government of Pakistan is scheduled to present the revised draft of the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Bill, 2006 before the Parliament.
This 2001 documentary by Kim Longinotto is about women and divorce in Iran set in a family law court in Tehran. It focuses on several cases of women trying to divorce their husbands and can now be viewed online.
The Iranian Head of Judiciary commuted the stoning sentence of a 35 year old woman, Hajieh Ismailvand.
As Tunisia celebrates the 50th anniversary of a law that gave women some of the same rights as men, many women's rights advocates warn that the 1956 text needs urgent updating, especially on inheritance law.
By abolishing polygamy and changing the laws that governed marriage and separation, the Code of Personal Status is widely credited with advancing Tunisian women's status and making them among the most liberated in the Muslim world.
After years of study, the influential Makkah-based Islamic Jurisprudence Assembly in April this year declared that Misyar marriage was legal, angering many women’s rights’ activists in the Gulf.