[fund] the Qur’an and ….

Compiled by Qutub Jahan Kidwai and Shirin Huda, "Woman in Qur'an" discusses women and Islam in a scriptural context.
Editorial: Secondary school staff member murdered by students for accidentally throwing out a copy of the Qur'an.
L'Algérie s'apprête à édicter des textes législatifs règlementant l'enseignement coranique pour lutter contre l'extrémisme véhiculé par un enseignement anarchique du Coran, a déclaré mardi à Alger le ministère des Affaires religieuses.
A recent ruling in Germany by a judge who cited the Koran underscores the dilemma the country faces in reconciling Western values with a growing immigrant population.
"Laleh Bakhtiar had already spent two years working on an English translation of the Koran when she came upon Chapter 4, Verse 34. She nearly dropped the project right then."
'He beat her and threatened her with murder. But because husband and wife were both from Morocco, a German divorce court judge saw no cause for alarm. It's a religion thing, she argued.'
Many people talk about progressive Islam. Is progressive Islam possible? Many are sceptical. But some maintain Islam need not be preceded with any attribute like ‘progressive’. Islam itself contains the attribute ie it is inherently possible.