Violence against women

Un appel à une plus grande mobilisation pour combattre l'excision des femmes a été lancé à Tunis par plusieurs organisations non gouvernementales à l'occasion d'un séminaire maghrébin sur le thème "femmes et médias".
There is growing concern among Palestinian human rights workers after the killings of at least six young women in recent months. The murders are described in some quarters as "honour killings".
Activists, policy-makers, UN representatives, scholars & heads of NGOs from 40 countries gathered at Women's Learning Partnership's international symposium, "Leading to Change: Eliminating Violence against Women in Muslim Societies" in March in New York.
Changing laws is the easy part, changing attitudes is something else.
Afghan women protest at the silence and inactivity of the Afghan government regarding the recent killings in Baghlan (3 women raped and murdered for NGO activity), and in Badakshan (1 woman stoned to death).
Her crime was to be found in the company of a man she was not married to.
A widespread campaign aims to help Jordan's forgotten victims.
‘'It is not an easy job ... At crucial moments I get chased out of places where the practice is much more prevalent,'' complains Ann Marie Caulker, who is championing the campaign to end the age-old tradition of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Doctors could soon be obliged to record all female patients who report to hospitals and clinics showing signs of abuse.