Violence against women

La police béninoise a arrêté jeudi dernier à Yassira (environ 510 km au nord-ouest de Cotonou) une exciseuse ainsi que les parents de la victime, a-t-on appris samedi à Cotonou de source policière.
Taherunnessa Begum was only sixteen when she was married off to small time trader Sattar Mia twice her age.
The report marks the first time that violence against women in Jordan has been statistically analysed.
According to the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, 235 women have tried to killed themselves there by self-immolation.
Article by WLUML networker, Sultana Kamal.
Le problème des "mutilations génitales féminines, ce n'est pas de couper ou de coudre.
Amelia Hill explores the scandal of ceremonies that lead to marital rape and slavery for girls as young as 12.
Au Royaume-Uni, le mariage de jeunes filles de moins de 16 ans est totalement illégal, mais cette réalité prend de l’ampleur dans les familles originaires d’Asie et du Proche-Orient.
”We are going to shout about bride price across Africa and we are going to say 'no' to the sale of women,” exclaimed Atuki Turner to a crowded hall at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.