Violence against women

The Pakistan government bulldozed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2004 against “honour killings” in the National Assembly and adopted it on 26 October 2004 without any debate amidst opposition walkout.
Following reports from the media about the cases of two young women sentenced to death by stoning in Bauchi State under the Sharia legal system, BAOBAB For Women’s Human Rights has conducted a fact-finding mission to the State.
Kvinnoforum, Suède, travaille depuis 2003 sur un projet relatif à la prévention de la violence envers les femmes et les fillettes dans les familles patriarcales.
Murder by any other name still smells foul. It is still murder.
An international conference on female genital mutilation has ended in Kenya with a fresh call to ban the practice.
Nous venons d'apprendre la mort de Samira Bellil.
"Je sais que l'excision est interdite, j'ai voulu rendre service", a simplement déclaré à la télévision Adama Barry les yeux embués de regrets après avoir excisé, cette semaine à Ouagadougou, seize fillettes de 2 à 10 ans.
Samira Bellil, whose book recounting gang rape she suffered as a teenager in a tough Paris suburb put her in the avant-garde of a small movement fighting for French Muslim women's rights, has died of stomach cancer. She was 31.