Violence against women

Enjoying large circulation and avid interest on the part of Iranian women, post-revolutionary conservative family magazines have been in circulation for quite some time.
A number of Saudi women have called for urgent state policies to protect victims of domestic violence in the country.
Delegates from around the world are meeting in Sweden to explore ways of combating so-called "honour killings".
Police are going through hundreds of files on missing people and suicides to look for signs of "honour crimes".
A letter from the Quick Response Desk of the Special Procedures Branch at OHCHR, Geneva.
Le nombre de femmes victimes de violences physiques au Maroc est un véritable scandale.
Le Collectif 20 ans barakat, constitué de cinq associations féminines ...
Le meurtre de Ghofrane Haddaoui, 23 ans, tuée à coups de pierres dans des circonstances non élucidées, est au centre de la manifestation organisée samedi à Marseille, à l'appel du mouvement "Ni putes ni soumises".
In the UK alone, 117 murders are being investigated as 'honour killings'. But over-sensitivity to cultural differences means that many victims are denied the justice that they deserve.
Des associations manifesteront samedi pour réclamer une loi-cadre sur le modèle espagnol.