Violence against women

La mobilisation, notamment des féministes, pour le soutien aux femmes de Hassi Messaoud a porté ses fruits et les agresseurs et violeurs ont été condamnés à de lourdes peines.
Notes by WLUML networker Faizun Zackariya, based on her visit to the East coast (28-29-30th Dec) especially to the villages of Karativu, Sainthamaruthu, Kalmunai Kudi, Kalmunai, Pandiruppu and Maruthumanai in the Amparai district.
We have received a request for IMMEDIATE pressure to be applied on the Algerian Government to ensure justice in a case that comes up for hearing on 28 December 2004. The trial is to take place in Biskra.
Nous venons de reçevoir une requète pour une action IMMEDIATE, pour faire pression sur le gouvernement algérien de façon à ce que justice soit rendue dans un procès qui doit avoir lieu le 28 Décembre 2004. Le procès aura lieu à Biskra.
Femicide (murder of women), however, has rarely been the subject of feminist and non-feminist analysts. This study is the first of its nature in the Arab World to study such atrocities.
Pakistan's only woman cabinet minister says she accepts that a bill tightening legislation against so-called honour killings does not go far enough.
Daso Adamu has been discharged and acquitted.