Violence against women

Four men have been convicted for their roles in the gang-rape and murder of a young woman in a moving bus in Delhi last year.

An eight year old died of sexual injuries on her wedding night with her 40 year old husband in Yemen. 

DHAKA, 5 September 2013 (IRIN) - Women living in the slums in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital of 15 million people, face a higher risk of domestic violence than women in other parts of the country, say researchers. 

Nationwide, recordkeeping and data collection on the extent and types of violence against women are still scarce, according to an expert panel in 2011monitoring the country’s progress on eliminating violence against women. But the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Rashida Manjoo, found ample evidence in a recent visit to Bangladesh that “discrimination and violence against women continues in law and practice”. 

Crimes & Impunity: A pioneering report on sexual torture in Iranian Prisons

On 10 December 2012 Justice for Iran launched the first-ever comprehensive report on sexual violence and torture in Iranian prisons. 

This weighty report based on testimonials of victims, survivors, witnesses and experts, examines the extent to which women prisoners are systematically subjected to sexual violence as a gender-specific means of silencing young Iranian girls and women dissidents.

The report will mark International Human Rights Day on 10 December. The first of three reports, Crimes & Impunity is based on historical, empirical and anecdotal facts regarding crimes committed by Iranian prison authorities during the first decade after the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran. “With the launch of this report, we hope to not only end the cycle of violence and silence in Iran, but also highlight the fact that if in accordance with statements of Iranian authorities torture does not exist in Iranian prisons, then they are responsible to stand by their word and bring to justice those official elements who have committed and continue to commit such illegal and criminal acts,” said Shadi Sadr, the Director of Justice for Iran project.

كتب محامي أحد معتقلي مظاهرات "برافر لن يمر" ضد مخطط إسرائيل لتهجير أكثر من خمسين ألف فلسطيني في النقب، والتي جرت في الخامس عشر من تمّوز؛ على حسابه على موقع التواصل الإجتماعي "فيسبوك"، أنه عندما دخل إلى مقرّ الشرطة الإسرائيليّة ليسأل عن موكّلهِ، بعد أن تم القبض عليه خلال النشاطات السلميّة التي عمّت أنحاء فلسطين لمنع المُخطّط، أعرب له الضابط المُحقِق، عن قلقه حيال هذه المظاهرات. حيثُ أن الشرطة - وأجهزة الأمن الإسرائيليّة عامة- تُواجه جيلاً جديداً من الشباب، مُسيّساً، متعلماً وأكثر وعيّاً.

A 15-year-old girl who was sentenced to 100 lashes for engaging in premarital sex has had her punishment overturned by a Maldives court.

WLUML would like to thank everyone who has supported our global Stop Stoning Women campaign – thanks to you we are nearing our goal and have now reached 8691 signatures from supporters worldwide!

Our aim is to reach a critical mass of 10,000 signatures so that we can send a strong, unified message to the UN and push for a resolution on stoning and the eradication of this brutal practice that disproportionately targets women, ongoing in 15 countries around the world.

Today we are launching an exciting new campaign in order to spread the word on this continuing form of torture and violence against women, and to share your unique thoughts and voices with all of our followers - please support the Who Cares About Stoning? I do photography campaign!

أفاد مكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية، أوتشا، أنه تم الإبلاغ عن 800 حالة من حالات العنف الجنسي والقائم على نوع الجنس في العاصمة الصومالية مقديشو خلال الأشهر الستة الأولى من العام الجاري. ولا تزال النساء والفتيات النازحات داخليا الأكثر تضررا.ويقول مكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية إنه غالبا ما ترتكب جرائم الاغتصاب على أيدي مسلحين مجهولين ورجال يرتدون الزي العسكري.

Despite the continuing efforts of individuals and organisations, the fact remains that to be born a woman in the Middle East presents a set of challenges, problems, and often dangers. We got in touch with Sally Zohney, a founding member of The Uprising of Women in the Arab World, and asked her to tell us a little about the organisation and what it works to acheive.

The Uprising was founded in October 2011 as a spontaneous reaction to the fear that the aims of the Arab Spring - in regards to women's rights - would be aborted. Yalda Younes created the web-page in Lebanon, and quickly contacted Diala Haidar (also Lebanese), Sally Zohney in Egypt, and Farah Barqawi in Palestine to truly make it a cross-border movement. Now it has expanded to include admins from all over the Arab world, and has over 115,000 supporters on Facebook.
