Violence against women

The stabbing of a 50-year-old Muslim woman wearing a head scarf has reignited simmering fears within eastern Contra Costa's Islamic community, where a mosque was destroyed by arson six years ago.

More displaced women and girls - some as young as 13 - are turning to sex work to get by in Mali where 14 months of occupation and conflict have forced 475,000 people from their homes in the north, according to NGOs.

Our own Harvard fellow, Naureen Shameem delivered a statement on behalf of the WHRD-IC at the 23rd Regular Session of Human Rights Council.

Pakistan just held a historic election, but civil society is protesting over thousands of women barred from the polls by Islamic radicals and the fresh killings of aid workers in the world’s most dangerous place for humanitarians.

On March 8th, 2013, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and its partner organisations gathered in New York during the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to launch The Global Campaign to Stop Stoning Women.

What is the purpose of this campaign?

Our ultimate goal is to end the brutal practice of stoning. In the short-term - this November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - we aim to galvanize a critical mass of 10,000 supporters worldwide to sign our petition online on The petition functions as a mobilizing platform articulating our analysis of stoning as a persistent form of violence against women and our agenda. Targeting the UN human rights system with stage one, this in turn feeds into our medium-term aim – to successfully advocate for a UN resolution against stoning. In the medium-to-long term, the campaign’s goal is to ban stoning in countries where it still exists in law and criminalize those who engage in this heinous practice worldwide.

In order to achieve medium and long-term aims, we will engage in a separate lobbying strategy at the United Nations. This process will be integrated into the campaign on the ground.

After months of reportedly going into hiding, the outspoken Tunisian feminist who sparked a trend of “topless jihad” has been found and arrested by Tunisian authorities earlier this week and may be charged for conducting “provocative acts.”

يوم الاربعاء 15/5/2013

يحنو على مدينتي دير مار موسى الحبشي المتشبث بجبال القلمون محيطا إياها بجناحي رسول السلام سيدنا المسيح ، ناثرا من قمته العالية المحبة علينا وعلى جميع المارين بها، فهي همزة وصل العاصمة دمشق بالشمال السوري ولمعظم السوريين ذكريات حطت رحالها في مدينتي، في ظل الظروف الراهنة التي تعيشها البلاد تحول الطريق الدولي الذي تطل عليه، إلى طريق رئيسي لمرور الأرتال العسكرية المتوجهة إلى مناطق ساخنة، وهذا مايجعلنا معرضين للخطر في كل يوم تمر فيه هذه الأرتال.

.إلا أن المرور الاخير لهذه القوافل تجاوز كل مراحل الخطر والخوف والحرب ، ومتجاوزا حتى حدود الوعي والعقل

Afghanistan's parliament failed to pass a law on Saturday banning violence against women, a severe blow to progress made in women's rights in the conservative Muslim country since the Islamist Taliban was toppled over a decade ago.

Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network is deeply concerned about the growing trend of Syrian refugee women being sold into marriage as a ‘strategy’ of survival for desperate families; or as a way of escaping the destitution of life in refugee camps. Forced marriage is a form of sexual slavery which includes limitations to a woman’s autonomy, freedom of movement and power to decide matters relating to her sexual activity.
