Violence against women

To the people of Sudan: First we salute the bravery and grace of the young Sudanese women who came out and reported and gave evidence to the atrocious and savage sexual harassment they suffered at the hand of elements of Sudanese security organs. We address you today with a feeling of bitterness and anger for the gross violation of the constitutional and human rights of women and the low level of official treatment directed at them in Sudan. We have all seen and read in the media the statements of many women and how they were sexually harassed and intimidated and some were actually raped as a result of their participation in the peaceful demonstration instigated recently by Sudanese people demanding legitimate demands upheld by the constitution. They were faced by a brutal and inhuman treatment encompassed in the draconian and savage piece of law called (Public Order Law) and other Sudanese laws that degrades and disrespects the rights of women in particular and extend to all rights of Sudanese citizens.

Rape and sexual assaults: the National Congress Party uses the weapons of the Darfur war against the women and girls of Khartoum. Tens of thousands of Sudanese women and young girls in Darfur and in the south of Sudan were exposed to crimes of gender based violence, including rape and sexual abuse that were practiced by the National Congress Party (NCP) for more than two decades. Now, and following the victory of racial and sexual cleansing policies which drove the South of Sudan to separation and could drive Darfur on a similar path, the regime of the NCP is employing the weapon of rape and sexual abuse against women and girls in their peaceful struggle. The NCP’s security forces targeted the women and young girls who took part in the recent demonstrations in Sudan, asking for justice, peace, democracy and an end to discrimination.

المقصود ب"جرائم الشرف": هي تلك الجرائم التي يزعم الفاعل أنه ارتكبها بدافع من الشرف بحجة قيام الأنثى قريبته بسلوك لا يعجبه ولا يوافق عليه, فيقدم على القتل تحت تأثير مشاعر الاستفزاز التي ثارت في نفسه. من المهم قوله انه من خلال عملنا في متابعة الرصد لجرائم الشرف اتضح لنا أن القتل يكون في الظاهر بحجة الشرف، مع أسباب حقيقية مختلفة (الزواج بالتعارض مع إرادة الأهل، استقلال الفتاة في حياتها عن منزل أسرتها، الزواج من طائفة أو دين آخر، أي سلوك تقوم به المرأة ولا يعجب ذكور العائلة، الاستيلاء على إرث المرأة أو أموالها.. الخ)، وتبين لنا من خلال الحملة هذا القتل يرتكب على مساحة الوطن دون فوارق تذكر بين مدينة وريف، أو بين منطقة وأخرى، أو بين أتباع ديانة معينة أو طائفة معينة وأخرى. 

Women's rights activists and pro-change protesters in Egypt have rallied to condemn a serious sexual assault on an American news reporter, Lara Logan, which took place in Cairo's Tahrir Square in the moments following Hosni Mubarak's resignation last Friday. "Lara Logan … and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration," Logan's employers, CBSnews, said in a brief statement. "It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy. "In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers."

The recent move by Afghanistan’s Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) to take control of women’s shelters is deeply worrying.  I have spoken to NGO workers who run these shelters, and they have been outraged by the new legislation. Over the past few years I have personally been able to see the work of five of these shelters out of a total of 14 set up around the country by NGOs after the Taleban’s fall. The shelters house hundreds of Afghan women and girls whose lives are at risk due to forced marriage, underaged marriage, and other forms of violence. Amnesty International urges the Afghan government to reconsider this terrible piece of legislation and, instead, recommit itself to protecting the women of Afghanistan and those courageous human rights defenders, many of them women, who are trying to counteract years of discrimination and sexual violence against the women of Afghanistan.

In a recent summary report of their campaign for an effective implementation of the National Action Plan to combat violence against women Roj Women explain why they believe the Turkish Plan is failing to deliver its goals. In South East Turkey 1 out of 2 women are victims of violence against women. The national average is 39%. In a context of social and economic development neglect, pervasive patriarchal attitudes and militarization all contribute to high rates of violence against women in the region.

Selon une étude de l’Ong Action Aid basée sur les faits relatés par des journaux sur les violences faites aux filles en milieu scolaire entre juillet, août et septembre 2010, le Sénégal est un exemple à ne pas suivre. En trois mois, la presse a rapporté trente-sept cas et deux cent deux cas entre juillet 2009 et septembre 2010. 

Sudan's judiciary has launched an investigation into the public flogging of a woman after footage of her being whipped by laughing policemen was posted to the internet.The YouTube video shows an unidentified woman in a long black dress and a headscarf being ordered to sit down in a parking lot (Warning: Video contains graphic images of violence some may find disturbing).A uniformed policeman proceeds to whip her all over her body as she screams in pain. A second officer laughs when he realises he is being filmed, before joining in the punishment, which lasts a minute and a half.

Harmful traditional practices violating women’s rights, including honour killings, child marriage and giving away girls to settle disputes, are pervasive in Afghanistan, says a United Nations report released today that calls on the Government to implement a new law aimed at ending the scourge. Based on research and interviews in nearly all 34 provinces with women, men, Government authorities, religious leaders and community groups, the human rights unit of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) found that the practices occur among all ethnic groups, in rural and urban areas, and that the most harmful among them violate not only Afghan law but also Islamic Sharia law.

كما في كل عام، تحيي منظمة كفى عنف وإستغلال حملة الـ16 يوماً العالمية المخصصة لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، والتي تبدأ من 25 تشرين الثاني، اليوم العالمي لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، ولغاية 10 كانون الأول، وهو اليوم العالمي لحقوق الانسان. هذه السّنة، بالشّراكة مع وزارة الشّؤون الإجتماعية ومنظمة أوكسفام بريطانيا وبدعم عددٍ من وكالات الأمم المتحدة والسفارات والمنظمات الدولية، تطلق كل من منظمة كفى والتّحالف الوطني لتشريع حماية النّساء من العنف الأسري أول حملة "شارات بيضاء" في الشرق الأوسط للتأكيد على دور الرّجال في مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة تحت شعار "نساءً ورجالاً: شركاء لإنهاء العنف ضد النساء" للمطالية بإقرار قانون حماية النساء من العنف الأسري.
