Violence against women

On November 25, 2010, Lebanon joined over 55 countries around the world by organising the first White Ribbon Campaign in the Middle East. The campaign carried out by KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation, the National Coalition for legislating protection of women from family violence, & Oxfam GB, started on November 25 and will last 16 days.

تزامنا مع حملة الستة عشر يوما لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة، شاركت اكثر من ثلاثين منظمة انسانية ونسوية تعنى بحقوق الانسان وشخصيات ثقافية مختلفة، بتاريخ 25 تشرين الثاني 2010 في الاعتصام الذي اقامه "تجمع لا للعنف ضد المرأة"، امام مبنى محافظة كركوك، حيث شاركت ممثلة جمعية الامل العراقية بالاعتصام معهم. لأول مرة في تاريخ كركوك يحدث اعتصام يطالب بحقوق المرأة المغبونة بدون تدخل اي جهة سياسية، ضم فيه كافة القوميات والمنظمات من مختلف مناطق كركوك.

أعلنت مشيرة خطاب، وزيرة الأسرة والسكان، عن وجود مساع مصرية بالتعاون مع عدد من الدول لاستصدار قرار من الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة بتجريم ختان الإناث. وأكدت الوزيرة في تصريحات صحفية السبت، نجاح جهود مصر في حشد رأى عام دولي مناهض لختان الإناث، وداعم لجهود الدول الإفريقية «التي تعانى من هذه الممارسة غير الإنسانية وتسعى للقضاء عليها»، لافتة إلى أن هذه الجهود  أثمرت عن الإعلان الذي نشر بجريدة «هيرالد تريبيون»، لمناشدة الحكومات العمل من أجل اتخاذ الإجراءات الواجبة لوقف هذه الممارسة، مذيلا بتوقيع عدد كبير من الشخصيات الدولية المرموقة.

Sisters in Islam (SIS) expresses its utmost concern over news reports of a 14-year-old child married off to an adult man in July this year. This only came to light when the child and the man who married her participated in a mass wedding celebration at the Federal Territory Mosque on 4th December 2010, where couples were given RM1,000 and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom was in attendance as guest of honour.

 An Indian village has banned unmarried women from using mobile phones for fear they will arrange forbidden marriages that are often punished by death, a local official said today. The Lank village council decided unmarried boys could use mobile phones, but only under parental supervision, said one council member, Satish Tyagi. Local women's rights group criticised the measure as backward and unfair.

Year after year, the 42-year-old Saudi surgeon remains single, against her will. Her father keeps turning down marriage proposals, and her hefty salary keeps going directly to his bank account. The surgeon in the holy city of Medina knows her father, also her male guardian, is violating Islamic law by forcibly keeping her single, a practice known as "adhl." So she has sued him in court, with questionable success.

The third African Feminist Forum which took place from October 20-24 is a biennial conference that brings together African feminist activists to deliberate on issues of key concern to the movement. It was during this third edition of the forum that participants voted unanimously for several key petitions calling for action, including a petition addressed to the President of the transitional Government in Guinea calling for an  urgent action in favor of the respect of women´s rights, maintain peace and security before, during and after the presidential runoff elections.

Le troisième Forum des Féministes Africaines qui s´est tenu à Dakar du 20 au 24 Octobre est une conference biennale qui traite de l´agenda du mouvement féministe africain, et des préoccupations et actions des femmes africaines sur une plateforme commune. C’est au cours de cette troisieme édition que les participantes ont unanimement signé un certain nombre de pétitions dont notamment celle adressée au Président de la Transition, Président de la République de Guinée afin de lancer un appel urgent à l´action en faveur du respect des droits des femmes, du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité avant, pendant et apres les scrutin présidentiel en cours.

The Violence is Not our Culture Campaign (VNC) and Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) are gravely concerned over the recent announcement made by the official Iranian television channel on alleged self-incriminating statements by Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani and several others on state TV last 15 November. We join the rest of the international community in denouncing this latest move by the Iranian authorities which adds more injustice to the case of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani. 

Iranian state TV broadcast a statement last night by the woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, in which she described herself as a "sinner". Appearing on TV for the third time since her case caught the world's attention, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, also accused Mina Ahadi, an activist of the German-based International Committee Against Stoning (Icas), of spreading her story around the world. The report also broadcast purported statements by two men whose faces were blurred. State TV identified them as Ashtiani's son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, 22, and her lawyer, Houtan Kian, both of whom were arrested last month.
